Say Ye

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Book: Say Ye by Celia Juliano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Juliano
front door.
    Lita felt so grateful for her new home and family. She didn’t see her mother, Aunt Cass, or Emma anymore, but she still had Lee and now Uncle Enzo and all the DeGrazias and D’Angelos. Though there were some problems between the families—rumors of old arguments and betrayals--and she didn’t think Celeste’s son liked Uncle Enzo much.
    She smiled as she looked at Uncle Enzo, glad he and Celeste were, sort of, dating. She guessed they loved each other. That was the missing piece for Lita.
    “Going out with Jim D’Angelo again?” Uncle Enzo asked as they went into the kitchen.
    “No, no one seems to ask me out more than once. I guess it’s just as well.” Joe’s cousin Jim was strong and silent, an extreme example of the D’Angelo men, who were all tough, determined, and protective. But Jim intimidated her, unlike his cousins Joe, Frankie, and Michael.
    Lita filled the tea kettle in the deep sink. “Are you taking Celeste out?” Lita’s heart wasn’t in dating—it was still with Lorenzo. But he’d remained in Italy, never talking to her when he called Uncle Enzo, never answering her letters.
    “No, and she’ll be leaving for a cruise with her friend from church later in the week. Mrs. Matthews won a trip for two and is taking Celeste.”
    “That’s nice. Celeste told me she’s never had a real vacation.” Lita placed the kettle on the stove and watched the bluish flames flicker against the metal bottom.
    “Yes, she deserves it.”
    “But you’ll miss her.” She walked to Uncle Enzo.
    “You’re getting to know me too well,” he said. He kissed her forehead and a contented warmth suffused her limbs.
    “Have you heard from Lorenzo?” She destroyed her own contentment.
    “Yes.” Uncle Enzo didn’t look happy anymore. “Maybe he’ll be back for Thanksgiving.”
    “Maybe?” Her hand moved to her throat. She hadn’t realized how hopeful she’d been for Lorenzo’s return.
    “Or he might want me to have Pete send all his things there.”
    Lita turned and busied herself by rearranging the organized refrigerator. She wouldn’t upset Uncle Enzo by showing him how deeply she cared for Lorenzo.
    “He’s not sure. Or rather he is sure, but…”
    “He’s sure he wants to stay in Italy?” Lita stood as she pulled some salad makings and chicken out.
    “He believes it would be best.” Uncle Enzo tapped his fingers on the table.
    “For who?”
    “Why don’t you call him?”
    “I’ll make dinner now.” Lita set her mouth in a determined line and grabbed the salad bowl.
    Uncle Enzo shook his head but didn’t say anything else. Lita prepared dinner in silence.
    Lita never did get to take Lee to dinner at Nick’s, she caught the flu. Sophia moved in for a week so she could take care of Uncle Enzo and Lita. Her new friend Joanna came over and apologized, saying she should have warned Lita about the danger of volunteering in her second grade classroom--newbies often got sick until they built up immunity to the surfeit of germs. Lita laughed, though that was before her fever set in again and she couldn’t recall much, the days blended together.
    She remembered Sophia brought her homemade chicken broth or cream of rice, wiped her brow with a cool cloth, and read her magazines and books when she felt mostly better. She changed Lita’s sheets and gave her medicine. No one had ever done all those things for her before. Lee used to heat a can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup for her when she was little and caught a cold, but she usually had to take care of herself. Lita grew almost jealous of Joe and Janetta; she wished Sophia was her mother.
    As she lay in bed one night, the cool October breeze ruffling the cotton curtains of her room, she stared at the ceiling. A hairline crack marred the otherwise smooth shell pink surface. If she could get over Lorenzo and fall in love with Joe, Sophia could be her mother. Of course, that was assuming Joe would cooperate. Lita shivered

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