On Dry Land (Swimming Upstream #3)

Free On Dry Land (Swimming Upstream #3) by Rebecca Barber

Book: On Dry Land (Swimming Upstream #3) by Rebecca Barber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Barber
innocent kiss behind Ava’s ear that boiled her blood.
    “I need to ask…”
    “Anything. You know that.”
    “Would you let me finish?” Ava snapped, annoyed as she wiggled on his lap until she was straddling him. Biting his lip, Tyler nodded, encouraging her to continue. “My car’s a write off. The public transport near my house is shit at best. I only have tomorrow and Monday morning before I head to Sydney for the rest of the week.” Ava stated the facts, trying desperately to remove all emotion from the situation. Not because they weren’t there. They were. In abundance. The issue was they were all there. Driving her insane. Making her want things and think things and dream things she had no right in wanting. “I was wondering, if it’s okay with you and if I’m not in the way, would I be able to stay here for a couple of nights, get the bus to work on Monday, and then I’m away. I won’t get in your way or…”
    “Ava!” Tyler’s strong voice shocked her. Ava’s eyes shot up and were instantly ensnared by Tyler’s steely gaze. “You don’t have to ask. Stay here as long as you like. In fact, why don’t you think about leaving some stuff here so when you do stay, you don’t have to cart it around?”
    Tyler’s suggestion knocked her sideways. Literally. Seeming like a complete klutz, Ava attempted to pull back from Tyler, which unbalanced her so she inevitably ended up on the lounge beside him, almost kneeing him in the chin as she fell.
    Tyler laughed. She could see he was trying not to but failing miserably.
    “Not expecting that?”
    “No…not…at…all,” Ava barely spluttered the words out.
    Tyler looked like someone had just kicked his puppy. His eyes were filled with disappointment. “I don’t know why not.” He pushed Ava off him roughly before clambering to his feet. “Come with me,” Tyler requested, sticking out his hand expectantly.
    Ava couldn’t hide how much her hand shook as she extended her fingers and dropped her hand in Tyler’s. It wasn’t a question of trusting him. She trusted Tyler implicitly. It was herself she didn’t trust. She didn’t trust her big mouth or her traitorous body. Nervously, Ava followed him down the hallway.
    “Close your eyes, Short Stack.”
    Ava squeezed her eyes closed and sighed dramatically. When she felt the warmth of Tyler’s hand settle over her eyes, she realised he wasn’t joking. He knew her too well. Ava had every intention of peeking and Tyler had taken that away from her. “Spoil sport!”
    “I know you,” he whispered into her ear and Ava wasn’t sure if it was the warmth from his breath that tickled her ear that set her pulse soaring or just his proximity.
    Shuffling her feet, Ava felt herself being directed around a corner before being tipped off balance and landing on her butt on Tyler’s gigantic bed. Tyler let go of her hand and Ava felt him moving away from her. Sitting alone on the bed, it was all too disconcerting for Ava to string together. Tyler’s scent was everywhere. She could smell his cologne in the air and if she wasn’t bewitched before, she was now.
    “Open your eyes, Ava.” Tyler’s strong, proud voice broke the silence and Ava’s eyes flicked open quickly. “See these empty shelves here?” Tyler pointed at not just one or two but a whole row of shelves. “These are yours. All you need to do is put your shit on them.”
    Gobsmacked, Ava’s mouth gaped open.
    “Did…did you just do that?”
    “Ava,” Tyler frowned. “Do you really think I’d do that?” Ava shrugged her shoulders, feeling like complete shit. “It’s been like this for weeks. Didn’t you notice when you were raiding my wardrobe?”
    Ava felt sick. She was light headed and her stomach was doing somersaults. It was all too much. Too fast. The worst part was Tyler was just trying to be a good guy. He didn’t mean to make her head spin. She knew all he wanted was for

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