Pure Temptation

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Book: Pure Temptation by Eve Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Carter
acquaintance, John,” I said with lettuce stuck in my teeth. Damn . I could feel a piece of it with the tip of my tongue.
    “Likewise,” he said. His eyes sparkled with humor as I covered my mouth briefly with my napkin and removed the lettuce. “It’s not every day a beautiful woman like you bumps into me. So, where are you headed?”
    Flattered by his compliment, I felt my cheeks heating up. “Savanna in Georgia. Visiting family,” I lied again.
    “Oh. That’s great. I’ve been there several times. Where in Savanna? I know that place like my back of my hand.”
    What were the odds that I had picked to lie about a city he was familiar with?
    “Down by the beach somewhere is all I remember. I haven’t been there in years. It’s my aunt and uncle who live there.”
    He nodded and took another bite of his burger then wiped his beautiful mouth with his napkin.
    “Shame you are not staying here for a couple of days. It’s a nice town. There’s a band playing at the bar tonight.”
    “Maybe another time. My family is expecting me tomorrow.”
    “We better get back then.” He finished the last bite of his burger. “You don’t want to miss your bus.”
    “Oh no. What time is it?”
    He checked his wrist watch. “Just past two. When does your bus leave?”
    “Oh no, at two.” Fuck . The money is in my suitcase…on the bus. I threw my napkin on the plate and shoved the chair out, trying to hide the panic I felt. “Let’s just go. I hope the bus driver is waiting for me.”
    John dropped thirty dollars on the table and we hurried out of the Café. It took us less than five minutes to get back to the station but the bus had already left.
    Fuck. I’m so screwed.
    “Is that your suitcase?” He pointed to my blue suitcase standing alone on the sidewalk under the Greyhound sign at the bus station. I breathed out a big sigh of relief. At least the bus driver had the brains to toss off my luggage.
    “Oh thank God, yes. That’s the one.” I held my hand to my breast. The thumping of my heart slowed to a more normal beat with the sight of my suitcase. I took a breath and gathered my wits. No need to panic, there was a reason this place was called a bus station. “I guess there’ll be another bus to Savannah tomorrow,” I said as I hurried over to grab my suitcase. Once my hand was firmly around the black plastic handle, I relaxed. There was at least one upside to missing the bus. I wouldn’t have to listen to another word from the chatterbox.
    “So, does this mean that you’ll be able to come with me to hear the band tonight?” He grinned from ear to ear.
    “Ha, you don’t give up easily do you? Sorry, I’m really wiped out. I just want to find a hotel room and crash tonight. It’s been a couple of hectic days.”
    “Guess I’ll have to live with that. Listen, I would offer to give you a ride to a hotel, but I don’t think your suitcase will fit on my bike,” he said with a chuckle. “I can walk with you if you like?”
    “No, no, that’s fine. It’s sweet of you to offer, but I’ll call a cab. They do have cabs in this town, right?”
    He laughed again and nodded. “Of course. Let me call one for you.”
    He pulled out his cell phone and opened up a web browser to search the internet. He caught me peering over to take a look at the screen. I glanced down at the ground a little embarrassed. I really shouldn’t trust him or anyone for that matter, after all, I didn’t know much about him and it would be better for me to keep up my guard.
    “Just gotta look up the number. I usually don’t take cabs around town.” He tilted his head in the direction of his Harley. “Got my bike.”
    He found it and called a cab for me.
    “Look, you don’t have to stay and wait with me. I’ll be fine on my own here. I’m sure you have a life and things you need to go do.”
    “What, and leave a

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