Hot Laps
stock of it,” Jameson said over his shoulder before leaving.
    One thing was for sure. I was going to need to think of ways to get these JAR Racing
     boys back.
    After Jameson left, I nearly got in a fist fight with the printer over a paper jam.
    Then there was the copy machine that had me questioning my sanity when I had a full-blown
     conversation with it and its racialism. “Why the fuck did you just chose to copy six
     of the twenty documents? Are you racist? Or maybe just plain stupid?”
    The piece of shit Canon copy machine had no reply.
    I may or may not have kicked the goddamn thing too. It really was a stupid machine.
    Bailey smiled when she walked into the copy machine and saw me pointing my finger
     it. “Wow, easy there tiger, it’s just a machine.”
    “Yeah well, it randomly stapled my papers. I don’t have time for random.”
    “Noted. You in a hurry or something?”
    She was making fun of me. I knew it.
    Rolling my eyes at her, I walked back out to my cubicle and plopped down as though
     I’d just ran a marathon. Really I did though when you really think about it, just
     not in the same sense. It’d been a boisterous day.
    I sent a few emails out, to which those intended individuals then called me.
    Tell me something here. When you send an email, you expect an email back in return—or
     at least I do, right?
    This bullshit where they then call you is unacceptable to me. I want to say, “Hey,
     asshole, I sent you a fucking email because I didn’t want to hear your annoying voice!
     Just reply back to it.”
    But I didn’t. I needed this job. I bit my fucking tongue. This office shit was really
     hard work.
    So they called, I was nice and eventually I was able to get back to the more important
     aspects of my day, like figuring out my plans for tonight.
    Around four, I was counting down the minutes until four thirty when I could leave
     and just about the time I did, I stood up intending to run home, take a few drinks
     from the keg in my room and head to the party with Anna. I really needed to relax
     after today.
    Just as I was intending to leave, there, in my cubicle was the dirty talking engine
     builder all smirks and sexy hair.
    “Where you off to in such a hurry?” he asked, his voice low and smooth. He looked
     tired and quite frankly, even sexier as he fought to keep his eyes open.
    “You look tired. I thought by all your dirty engine talking you had endurance?”
    Casten squinted tipping his head to one side. His hand came up as he ran his thumb
     back and forth over his bottom lip before a smirk appeared. “I am by no means ready
     for tonight to end.”
    I smiled thinking of our dirty talking earlier and his smirk now.
    His eyes softened. “And where is it you’re off to?”
    I leaned against the side of my desk and pretended to fix my boot. I only did this
     to draw his attention toward my legs. They were a “deal-sealing” asset of mine from
     all the years of trying to out run cops.
    “I’m actually heading home to change and then heading off to a party down town.” And
     then I thought about the Saran wrap on my car and the box knife on my desk. I picked
     it up and he smiled backing and holding his hands up.
    “Easy there. I was just curious.”
    “Oh, I wasn’t going to shank you or anything. Those assholes over at JAR Racing wrapped
     my car in Saran wrap.”
    Naturally, he laughed. “Oh, go easy on them. They do it to everyone. If it makes you
     feel better, I pissed in Tommy’s gas tank before he left,” he said this as though
     this sort of thing happened all the time. I had no doubt it did.
    Casten smiled, again, his eyes rose from the deal-sealing legs and set some paper
     work on my desk.
    Oh, he came up here to give me the supply orders. Damn.
    Secretly, I was a little crushed he didn’t just venture up here for the sake of me
     and my winning personality that had so captivated him earlier. Regardless, he was
     talking to me though. That right there

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