Hot Laps
that wouldn’t be real mature of me and also, I wasn’t sure I could move
     without collapsing into a puddle or blurting out the words “Fuck me senseless!” to
    I didn’t say anything because there was literally no oxygen going to my brain right
    “What’s going on over here?” Charlie asked, his expression fierce as his dark eyebrows
     drew together.
    “She’s doing the ordering, what does it look like?” Casten replied eyeing Charlie
     as though he could care less what he thought of our current proximity. I was practically
     humping his leg and he was dangerously close giving me that magnuflux inspection he
     spoke of.
    The attraction I was showing toward Casten, and Charlie noticed now, couldn’t have
     looked much more obvious.
    “Well … do you have to stand so close to each other?” Charlie asked doing his own
     scrutinizing of Casten.
    Although they were cousins, it didn’t seem to faze these two one bit. I was starting
     to get the impression they didn’t exactly get along.
    “Did you finish installing those piston rings?” Casten asked arching an eyebrow at
    Piston rings? That sounds dirty! And very interesting.
    Casten then stepped back from me and reached in front of me for a binder on top of
     his toolbox.
    “Yeah,” Charlie answered in a slightly more irritated tone, shrugging his shoulders.
    You could identify right away he hated taking orders from Casten but I had a feeling
     he was used to it.
    “Well then, that one there,” Casten gestured across the shop to a machine lined up
     against the wall, “needs a sonic test done. I’ve already bored the heads.”
    Charlie grumbled something but didn’t say anymore. “I’m watching you two.”
    “Stay out of my business, Charlie.” I said with a certainty I was quite proud of.
     “We can make my own decisions.”
    It case my we comments wasn’t clear, I was speaking about myself and acting as the verbal advocate
     for my vagina. She could make her own decisions too, though some are questionable,
     she makes them alright.
    “Yes” Charlie turned to walk away, “clearly you’ve made some good ones in the past.”
     He remarked over his shoulder, glaring at Noah, and then trudged toward the machine
     to do his sonic test, whatever that was.
    I was suddenly curious as to what that test was and no longer focused on Charlie’s
     rudeness. Maybe it was just as erotic as the magnuflux thing and Casten could enlighten
     me some more.
    “What’s a sonic test?” I asked pretending to be shy.
    Please be something incredibly fucking dirty!
    Once again, Casten’s warm eyes darted to mine from the binder of parts catalogs he
     was holding. He grinned with an adorable nod. “Don’t get me started on that. We have
     ordering to do.”
    He had no idea what he’s doing to me. No idea at all.
    Just as I was about to push this dirty talking engine builder into a parts room and
     show him just how badly I wanted to get things started, Olivia showed up.
    “Is the ordering done?” She asked hesitantly, turning to glance at Charlie who was
     watching all this go down as he dropped a tool on the concrete.
    Casten chuckled. “Yeah, we’ve got it covered, Olivia.”
    “Oh, well I’m heading to lunch so I needed Hayden to answer the phones.”
    Shit, how the hell am I going to answer phones like this?
    I need a fucking cigarette and a nap for God’s sake. This took more out of me then
     the last time I had sex and that lasted two fucking minutes so that’s not saying much
     about that encounter.
    Or is that not saying much about this? Clearly I’m too confused to make sense.
    Casten and I didn’t get to say any more, he did offer me another wink along with an
     adorable grin.
    When I got back to my desk, Jameson wasn’t in his office, thankfully, so I checked
     my phone.
    Anna sent me a text telling me there was a party tonight she was invited to and wanted
     me to come. Naturally I agreed. We were both too young

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