Legal Action - Box Set
is ridiculous, I realize that. It disgusts me, but, there it is. You know I’ve found out everything I can about you and not because of trust issues. I want to know everything and I’m impatient when it comes to you. You said I’m a man who’s used to having what he wants and that’s true. It’s caught me completely off guard that the one thing I most want, have wanted for years, is you, and it’s not within my power to make you want me. You’ll make that decision yourself and I realize I haven’t ever been afraid of anything until now. What if you walk away from me, do I still have everything a man could want or do I simply have things? So, I’m taking the long way around the subject and maybe I’m showing my hand too soon. I want to know about your former lovers, Charlotte, because it can’t be possible that you’ve had only one other man, but that’s what all my well researched information tells me.”
                  She closed her eyes and sighed, she knew he was waiting for her to explode, to come undone. “I want to be mad at you right now, I want to get belligerent and ask what right you have to pry into my life. I should call you a crazy son-of-a-bitch for wanting to know who I’ve fucked. But, in some weird way, I understand. I can only imagine how many nubile bodies you’ve pleased with that wicked cock of yours in this very room. I’m a lawyer, your lawyer in fact, and I do understand the concept of facts and “discovery,” as the law calls it. So, it’s your prerogative, to find out what you need to know and I have nothing to hide. I happen to know that you probably don’t have an accountant who can count high enough to tally up all the women you’ve fucked in your life, but that, too, is just a fact. I’ve slept with two men, other than you. A grand total of three, and honestly, it kind of sucks, but as you might have noticed, I have a hard time letting a man have control. I was just young enough and Southern Bible belt, stupid enough to think I had to marry the first man I had sex with. Jorgen, as you well know. Jorgen was just old school, European enough to think that a woman belongs in the bed or the kitchen and had no business being a lawyer. We went our separate ways with no hard feelings, I’m happy to report. The second man is none of your business, period. It lasted a while, it should never have happened. I don’t want to talk about it and if you try to pry into it I will be beyond pissed. That subject is not open for discussion.”
                  He was quiet for a long time. Then he said, “If I didn’t know it to be true I wouldn’t believe it. A woman who’s blood runs as hot as yours, who is always wet and ready even though you fought it at the start. Two other men is nothing, you might as well have been a virgin. But still, it makes me sick with jealousy, to think of you with any other man. You were made for me; your amazing little pussy tries so hard to make room for me. It’s the most erotic feeling I’ve ever known, being inside you. The way you feel and sound, the exquisite look on your face when you finally take my cock and surrender to it. Making you cum is the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life.”
                  He went on, “I don’t care about Jorgen, you were young and in heat, that was obvious. I knew back then you didn’t love him, he was just at the right place at the right time for you. The second man, the one you don’t want to talk about, he makes my blood boil. There was a look on your face when you mentioned him, I think you loved him, maybe you still do. I don’t want that to be true, I’ve never loved anyone besides…” He caught himself and stopped.
                  There was a light knock on the door and he seemed both irritated and relieved.
                  “Yes, come in,” he said.
                  West entered the room, big and fierce looking, but

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