Pure Passion

Free Pure Passion by M. T. Stone, Megan Hershenson

Book: Pure Passion by M. T. Stone, Megan Hershenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. T. Stone, Megan Hershenson
    As the show wound down, Lara came around the bar, “Hey, Max.
You wanna meet Tag?”
    We went back to a smallish room, just off the side of the
stage.  We could hear the room buzzing as the bouncer cleared Lara and me.  Tag
was standing with other band members, talking to a group of young ladies.  Even
though the music and atmosphere were much different than rock, the groupies
still looked the same.   After patiently standing off to the side for several
minutes, Tag gave me a look that said, “Who are you and what are you doing
    “Hi, Tag. I’m Max Keegan,” I announced, reaching out my hand
to shake his.
    “Max Keegan?” he said bewildered, slowly shaking my hand.
    “Yeah, you were playing my grandpa’s guitar.”
    Needless to say, Lara and I were treated like royalty the
rest of the night.  The experience solidified my desire to change my name officially,
and was the best night I’d had in months.  Even the bar manager lightened up
and had a beer with us after he came looking for Lara.  Tag told everyone who
would listen how he got his guitar as a gift directly from my grandfather.  It
was one that Maxwell had played himself for years before giving it to Tag, so
it was extra special.  Even though I was broke and had been through some tough
times, for the first time in a while I was truly proud of who I was.
    “It’s only a matter of time, Max,” Lara assured me as I
walked her to her car that night.
    “I think you’re right, Lara.  Everything suddenly feels like
it’s falling in place.  Tag gave me the number to his manager, so I can talk to
him about endorsing my line.”  MY line. I really like the way that sounds.
    Gazing at her in The Deucelight, I could see her eyes
shimmering as if she were proud of me.  I couldn’t stop myself from taking her
head in my hands and giving her one of the most passion-filled kisses of my
life.  I had always heard about fireworks but hadn’t really experienced them
before.  Everything about it was perfect; her soft moist lips, the smell of her
perfume, and the way she softly moaned.  It was the type of kiss that you only
see in one of those chick flicks.  Despite any reservations, my body keeps
telling me that Lara is definitely my type!
    “Wow, that was incredible,” Lara said with her coy smile. 
“But it’s late, I better get home.”
    “Yeah, Derek’s gonna be on my ass first thing tomorrow
morning, too.  Thanks for a great night, Lara. I definitely owe you one.”
    “I’m going to hold you to that,” she smirked as she got in
her car.
    Standing there as she pulled away, all I could think was, I
really like this girl.
    Thank God, I was able to get away.   I was so tempted
to go over to the house, but I really needed to take things slow.  He needs to
want me as badly as I want him.  That’s the only way I’ll win with a guy like
Max.  As I passed the same old familiar houses, everything seemed fresh and
new.  My life finally seemed to be blossoming.  I was making more money at The
Deuce than I could as a full time music teacher, I was having fun, and best of
all, Max was becoming a central part of my life .  My wildest dreams were
actually coming true!
    Lying in bed, my mind raced with thoughts about moving into
the house I would share with Derek, Hadley, and Max.  Then my elation with Max
took a sudden fearful turn. Questions of uncertainty and doubt flooded my mind. What if Max finds out who I really am? That weak, twisted girl who let herself
obsess over him for years.  What if Brea tells Derek?  Derek would tell him, I
just know it.  If I move in, there will be no turning back.  It will be do or
die. The way he kissed me tonight was incredible, though.  Maybe I should focus
on that instead.
    The next few days were non-stop.  Derek was determined to
have the house in shape by the end of his vacation week.  It seemed that Hadley
was insistent upon perfection before moving

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