Catching the Big Fish

Free Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch

Book: Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Lynch
unity—negative things begin to recede. In that individual, you see more and more intelligence, more and more creativity, more and more bliss, negativity going away , and a positive influence pouring out into the world. So if there were many, many meditators, it would be beautiful. But even without that, small groups of advanced meditators could still make a huge difference.
    The theory is that if the square root of 1 percent of the world’s population, or 8,000 people, practices advanced meditation techniques in a group, then that group, according to published research, is quadratically more powerful than the same number scattered about.
    These peace-creating groups have been formed for short-term studies. And every time the advanced meditators got together in a group, they dramatically affected the area around them.They measurably reduced crime and violence. How did they do that?
    There is a field of unity within everyone. It’s always been there. It’s unbounded, infinite, and eternal. It’s that level of life that never had a beginning. It is, and it will be, forever. And it can be enlivened. In the human being, the enlivening of that field leads to enlightenment—the full potential of the individual. In the world, the result of enlivening unity by a peace-creating group would be real peace on earth.

    I’d like to say: I deeply love film; I love catching ideas; and I love to meditate. I love enlivening unity. And I think the enlivening of unity brings a better and better life. Maybe enlightenment is far away, but it’s said that when you walk toward the light, with every step, things get brighter. Every day, for me, gets better and better. And I believe that enlivening unity in the world will bring peace on earth. So I say: Peace to all of you.
    May everyone be happy. May everyone be free of disease.
    May auspiciousness be seen everywhere. May suffering belong to no one.

    Right now I’m catching some painting fish. And some music fish. I haven’t caught the next film fish yet. I just try to catch ideas—and sometimes I fall in love with one and then I know what I want to do. It has nothing to do with money; just with translating that idea.
    After INLAND EMPIRE , people asked me whether I would distribute a film again myself. And, with a team, I would for sure. Likewise, I remain completely committed to shooting in digital video. DV is just like film, without the problems. We live in a digital world now, and I love it—I’m never going back to film. So far as the reaction to INLAND EMPIRE, it went, I think, like it does for a lot of films: It was hated by some and loved by some. And it made a discussion.The blogs were lively.
    I do believe film students themselves are going digital. Of course, film students will always experience a yearning to make at least one film using film, just to have done it, just to have been in that world. But after doing that, I think, they will quickly return to the digital world.
    Looking ahead, I am committed to my work with the Foundation.We want to help the rapidly growing number of schools that are asking for programs in meditation. And the word is going around that diving within really changes things for the good. It is not something that just comes and goes—when you give students this technique, things really start changing. And they have that technique for the rest of their lives. I see that people are coming to realize that it is just so beautiful: this dive within, this transcending, and this experience of the Unified Field, where everything comes from. It is a Field of pure bliss consciousness, absolute intelligence, and infinite creativity.
    Everything I experience today brings me back again and again to where I started: True happiness lies within.

    Eraserhead (1977)
The Elephant Man (1980)
Blue Velvet (1986)
Wild at Heart (1990)
Twin Peaks

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