Seduced by Lies
killed my father," Curtis said. "He died while out shopping late one night. A robber shot him at a convenience store. Does that make all humans murderers?"
    I could see the crowd simmering, unsure about how to take his words. But Billy was still furious. "Your kind is dangerous. You can kill any of us."
    This ignited the crowd again as they raised their voices. Groupthink at its best.
    Curtis pulled his hospital gown off his shoulder, exposing his wound. "The monster who killed your sister also attacked me. I will die from its bite. I'm not your enemy."
    Nobody listened. "It's a trick," said Billy. "They can't stop all of us. That's why they're hiding behind their fence. The law is on our side."
    Curtis turned to me. "Open the gate."
    I shook my head. "No, that's insane. They'll kill you."
    He chuckled. "I'm already dead, but maybe my last few minutes of life can change the course of our history. Open the gate."
    Father Patrick nodded, his eyes sad. Against my better judgment, against everything I believed in, I opened the gate.
    And Curtis walked into the mob.
    For a moment, it looked like it would work. Around him, the crowd went silent, stunned that he'd given up his protection.
    He walked up to Billy. "Do you really want to kill me?"
    Billy hesitated, his eyes darting around him like a wild cat. "Your kind needs to be controlled."
    "I swear to you," Curtis said, "I have never broken any laws. Do you still think I deserve your fury?"
    Billy remained silent, chewing on his lip.
    "Here I am," said Curtis. "You can fight me, if you want. But I won't fight back."
    Billy raised a stick. The crowd stood ready.
    Beside me, Paul reached forward. "Curtis, no!"
    "My sister's dead," said Billy, crying. "You deserve this."
    "I won't fight you," Curtis said, his face calm and serene even as I was ready to beat Billy to death with his own stick.
    And then Billy hit him in the gut.
    Curtis collapsed.
    I lifted the gate, screaming my rage.
    Billy hit him again. And again. Stomach. Kidney. Knees. Arms.
    I rushed toward them, pushing through the crowd as it swarmed me, ready to kill Billy and save my friend.
    Curtis looked up from the ground, his body broken and bleeding, but his eyes calm. "No. Derek. Don't fight them."
    I couldn't take it, couldn't let this happen. Paul screamed at me to save Curtis. Drake joined me, his fists clenched. He may not have had his super strength anymore, but he was still stronger than most of these fools.
    Billy hit Curtis one more time, then stepped back, gloating.
    Curtis lay on the ground, bloodied, cringing. People watched in horror, their minds splitting from the group as they saw a defenseless man being beaten to death. Some started to walk away.
    "Do not fear us," Curtis said, spitting out blood.
    "Shut up," Billy screamed, kicking him.
    Curtis groaned and looked at the crowd, locking eyes with individuals, forcing them to see his humanity. "Do not fear us. We are not the enemy."
    "I said shut up." Billy raised his stick again, but someone caught it.
    A big man in flannel glared down at Billy. "Stop this."
    Billy looked stunned. "He needs to pay. He's a monster, yo."
    "I see only one monster here," the man said, pulling the stick away. "Get lost."
    "No." Billy tried to attack Curtis again, but men grabbed him from behind, dragging him away.
    "Take him home," said Flannel Man. "And don't you return, Billy. Or I'll call the cops myself, ya hear?"
    I watched, stunned, as they pulled Billy away and Flannel Man and his friends picked Curtis up and carried him to us. To me.
    We gathered around him. Me, Rose, Drake, Sam, Paul, Father Patrick.
    Flannel Man choked back a tear as he laid Curtis on the ground in the center of us. "I'm sorry."
    My anger wasn't ready to forgive. "How dare you?"
    But Curtis stopped me, putting his hand on my arm. "It's okay. They'll learn. They will learn."
    "You should have let me fight them," I said, knowing he was nearing the end and unwilling to face this.
    "No." He closed his

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