Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc

Free Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc by Dawn Page A

Book: Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc by Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn
the shit you pulled with your mate." Daniel shrugged nonchalantly then turned and walked out of the room.
    Corey heard the front door close not too long later.
    He knew Daniel was probably right but wasn't quite sure if he was ready to take another chance on love. Corey decided to put it out of his mind, for now at least, and grabbed his things as he followed Daniel out of the house.
    Daniel leaned casually against the side of Corey's Camaro, arms crossed over his chest as if he didn't have a care in the world.
    "What took you so long?" Daniel groused at him.
    "Hold your bloody horses, mate," Corey bitched at his brother, but he couldn't help but grin like a loon. He missed his brother while he was away and really looked forward to the runs they took together.
    Corey drove them to the pack lands. His brother kept up a diatribe the entire way of just how big of an idiot Corey was for turning Ethan away. Corey tried his best to

    Corey Toni

    justify himself to Daniel, but his words seemed to fall on deaf ears.
    He sighed in relief when he finally pulled the car to a stop and they both exited the Camaro. Corey couldn't shift fast enough. At least in wolf form he wouldn't have to listen to his younger brother berate him every few seconds.
    If he tried, Corey would just bite him. Come to think of it, I might just bite him anyway.
    Corey glanced around and noticed several other cars in the private parking lot but he couldn't see or hear any of his pack mates close by.
    He stripped down and stashed his clothes on the front seat of his car. This was private property and they had been lucky so far they hadn't had any cases of stolen vehicles.
    Once Corey stood naked, he concentrated and called on the animal within him. His wolf was only too happy to be let free and Corey shifted seamlessly into his second form. He shook from head to toe, settling himself in. He would have yipped at the joy he felt at once again being a wolf, but he was Beta of his pack and he didn't act like that.
    Daniel padded over to him and sat on his haunches in front of Corey for a moment before he lay down and rolled over, exposing his belly. Corey leaned down and licked the side of Daniel's face. His brother made a

    Corey Toni

    beautiful wolf, his coat a slightly lighter shade of brown than Corey's own.
    Corey stepped back and allowed Daniel room to stand once again. They took off into the woods side by side and Corey had a strange thought about what it would be like to run with Ethan like this.
    Daniel nipped playfully at his heals as they ran.
    They caught the scents of a couple of rabbits and because Corey had slept through breakfast and had passed on lunch to go running, he gave chase, Daniel beside him the entire way. They caught their prey easily and feasted until their beasts were sated and replete with full bellies. Corey licked his chops, trying to clean away any blood that may have still remained in his fur.
    They rested for a short time before they both stood and ran again. Corey sometimes thought he was flying with the way he bounded through the trees, his feet barely touching the ground before they were airborne once more.
    Finally exhausted from their activities, Corey slowly started to make his way back to the car park. He shifted and dressed while he waited for Daniel to do the same. Many of the cars from earlier were now gone, with a couple new ones taking their places.
    When Daniel had finished dressing, they both got in the car and Corey drove them back towards town. Daniel

    Corey Toni

    was surprisingly quiet during the drive; however his annoying brother didn't once take his eyes off Corey. He sat there in the passenger seat with his arms crossed and just stared at Corey until he felt like squirming under the intense scrutiny.
    "Fine. I'll call him." Corey sighed in frustration as they entered Atherton again. It took everything in him not to reach over and wipe the smug satisfied expression off his

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