Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc

Free Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc by Dawn

Book: Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc by Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn
only in town for two days and we had plans to go for a run."
    Corey pressed the phone against his ear and said sleepily, "Go away. We're not running until lunch time."
    "It is lunch time, you jackass. Are you still in bed?"
    "It's what now?" Corey asked, as he blinked open his eyes reluctantly.
    "It's lunch time. And you better get your ass out here quick smart. I'm not missing out on running with my brother because you were out chasing tail 'til all hours of the morning." Daniel definitely sounded annoyed with him.
    "I wasn't out chasing tail." Corey tried to defend himself. "Give me a sec and I'll come let you in." Corey hung up the phone, not bothering to say goodbye. After all, his brother was right outside his front door.
    Corey threw back the sheets he had been
    comfortably sleeping under and reluctantly dragged his ass out of bed. He slipped into a pair of shorts and made his way to the bathroom. Daniel could wait a minute more while he took a leak.
    Business finished, Corey went and let his brother in.
    Daniel stepped across the threshold and they embraced, as

    Corey Toni

    they did just about every time they saw each other. Corey loved his little brother. "Come on. I need some coffee."
    Corey closed the door and headed into the kitchen to start the drink brewing. He hoped it woke him up, because he could seriously use the boost.
    "So, you going to tell me what's going on if you're looking like death warmed over but you weren't out chasing ass, like usual?"
    "If you'd come home last weekend, you would more than likely already know," Corey said, wanting to guilt his brother a little bit.
    "Don't even try and pull that shit with me; you know it won't work," Daniel said in that annoying way his little brother had. He was right. He knew Corey too well to get guilted into anything. "I was busy working and that's all there is to it. Do I wish I had been here instead of stuck in Cairns working all weekend? You bet your ass I do. Do I feel bad about not being here? Nope. Now quit stalling and tell me what the hell is up with you."
    Corey finished making the coffee and poured his brother a cup, along with one for himself. Daniel had already taken a seat at the table and Corey walked over, placed the cup down in front of him then took his own seat.
    He didn't say anything for several minutes, just slowly drank his scalding hot coffee and thought about

    Corey Toni

    what he was going to say to his brother. Before he knew what was happening, Corey opened his mouth and just started spewing out the details of everything that had taken place over the last two weeks.
    Daniel was good and never once interrupted him, just sat quietly sipping his own coffee and listening to everything Corey said. When Corey finally finished talking, he looked at his brother. The expression on Daniel's face was hard to read. He turned back to drink the last of his morning cuppa when Daniel reached over and sharply whacked him upside the head.
    "Oww… What the fuck?" Corey swore and he glared at his younger brother.
    "You are the world's biggest dickhead," Daniel said, without a trace of regret for hitting him.
    "I bloody well am not." Corey wasn't even going to touch the fact that he sounded like a petulant five-year-old.
    "You are, and you know you are. The man is your fucking mate, Corey. You only get one in a lifetime. I know you were hurt when you were younger, but for the love of God, get over it already, before you lose the best thing that is probably ever going to happen to you."
    Daniel stood up and walked to the sink to place his now empty cup within.
    "I'll meet you out front. Move your ass. I want to

    Corey Toni

    Corey was lost in thought and didn't realise his brother had walked up behind him until he felt another hard whack to his head.
    "Daniel, for fuck's sake." He growled, his wolf was getting pissed. "Now, what the hell was that for?"
    "Because I could, and you deserved more than one for

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