
Free Blindsided by Kate Watterson

Book: Blindsided by Kate Watterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Watterson
    The drift outside was so high Jesse couldn’t wedge the front door open, the amount of snow impassable from sheer volume. He’d kept the back clear by going for wood every few hours and had a semi-decent path to the lean-to where he stored the firewood he replenished each spring, but that was the wrong direction.
    Jesse waded through waist deep drifts, avoiding the even deeper ones, and finally made it to the top of the drive. His truck at the bottom was only about half-visible and the notion of clearing the winding track back to the road was daunting. He had a snowmobile for just such emergencies and that was going to be the only option for right now if they had to go somewhere. It would probably take him a few more days to get enough snow out from behind the vehicle to be able to back it up, which was fine because by then they might have gotten to the side roads. Kerin’s car, too, needed to be towed and repaired before it was a big deal to go anywhere. Luckily for him, the company was on the usual winter lull and between large jobs, so he’d planned on staying for a few weeks anyway.
    The more time he got to spend with Kerin the better, in his opinion. She didn’t seem to have cabin fever either for someone used to a hectic life. They spent a good deal of time talking—and in bed—
    and it was proving to be the best vacation of his life.
    Trudging back, he stamped into the garage through the back door, shedding his snow-covered coat, boots, and gloves, and went back inside, grateful for the warmth. Kerin was in her usual spot by the fireplace, drinking coffee from a thick mug, the expression on her face hard to interpret. She didn’t look like a professional woman who was over thirty in one of his oversized shirts, the sleeves rolled up around her slender wrists.

    Kate Watterson
    He went and poured himself a cup, curling his hands around the warm porcelain. “It’s still pretty rough out there. I’m going to guess even though they say they’re getting started on the roads, from the amount of snow and the extent of the drifting the county road crews have their work cut out for them.”
    Relief showed in the softening of her mouth. “We have a few more days?”
    What an interesting way of putting it. We ?
    “At least. I’ll get started this afternoon on trying to clear the driveway, but it’s so cold I‘m not interested in frostbite or killing myself.”
    “I’m not interested in you doing either of those two things either, so we’re on the same page.” Her smile was a little wan and she turned and stared at the fire. “If you aren’t tired of me being here, I’m more than happy to stay.”
    Tired of her? Yeah, right. He was so the opposite he was a little off balance. He went in and stood by the mantle, still cradling his cup.
    “I planned on staying for at least two more weeks. You’re welcome to keep me company for as long as you like.”
    It was amazing, but after the past few days in her company, he meant it.
    She shook her head, her soft hair moving against her shoulders.
    “Not that long. I have to go back. This whole trip was spur of the moment and I have responsibilities. All I told my office staff was to cancel my appointments until they heard from me. They’re probably wondering what is going on. Besides, you wanted solitude, didn’t you?”
    The luminous look in her eyes didn’t escape him and tears were not what he expected. One droplet gathered on her lashes and spilled over to slide in a glistening trail down her cheek.
    “Solitude is way overrated I’ve decided since I dragged you here.”
    He set aside his cup and moved toward where she sat curled in the leather chair. He picked her up and settled back down so she rested on Blindsided 61
    his lap. A muffled laugh of protest escaped, but her head fell into a natural spot on his shoulder and nestled there.
    “I’m not a little girl.” She belied the protest by curling into him more, one hand grasping the open

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