The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg

Free The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg by Scarlet Hyacinth

Book: The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg by Scarlet Hyacinth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth
Tags: General Fiction, Romance MM, erotic MM
cut the connection and headed The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg
    back into the house. He’d just passed the door when he felt Shiloh wake up and stir at the back of his mind.
    “Where are you, Liam?” his mate asked through their bond.
    “Downstairs.” Liam grinned to himself. “ If I’d stayed, I’d be tempted to ravish you, and we’ve got innocent kids around.”
    “We could be really quiet,” Shiloh suggested. Seconds later, he took back his own words. “Ignore that. We’re just gonna have to wait for privacy.”
    Liam chuckled. “Come on down, baby. Carson and Brody are making breakfast. If you can believe it, the kids asked me if you and I are going to get mated.”
    Soft laughter invaded their connection. “And what did you say?”
    “I said I hoped we would. They saw right through me, though.”
    Technically speaking, they were already bonded by the way of the wolves. They still had a lot to do, however, accepting it through the swans’ customs and actually registering as mates. Liam trusted all that would come in time.
    “It will,” Shiloh assured him. “Did you talk to your Alpha?”
    “Yes,” Liam answered. He made his way to the living room and sat down to wait for Shiloh. “He said he’s going to contact the elder.”
    For a few moments, Shiloh didn’t answer. Then, Liam felt his mate’s approach. Shiloh stepped into the living room, looking gorgeous in spite of his frown. “I don’t trust that man,” Shiloh said out loud. He leaned in to kiss Liam, and Liam couldn’t resist but pull his mate onto his lap.
    Their lips met, and Liam forgot all about Alphas, elders, and everything else except the man in his arms. His body responded to Shiloh’s proximity, and when Shiloh melted against him and parted his lips, he couldn’t help but release a groan.
    He reached down to knead Shiloh’s buttocks, and his mate gasped into his mouth. Their tongues tangled, and Liam actually began to 62
    Scarlet Hyacinth
    take Shiloh’s shirt off. He might have gotten even further if the sound of a cleared throat didn’t interrupt them.
    Cursing, he broke away from Shiloh and turned to face Brody.
    Much to his dismay, he spotted the two kids behind his friend.
    “See?” Clark told his brother, sounding smug. “I told you so.”
    Angel did a happy dance, seemingly quite excited for Shiloh and Liam. Liam wanted the ground to open up and swallow him, especially when Carson showed up as well. Brody was arching a brow, but Carson just looked amused. “Breakfast’s ready,” he said before ushering the children out of the room.
    Brody followed after him, thankfully without comment. Shiloh groaned as their friends left the room. “God, this is hopeless.”
    Liam pressed another peck to Shiloh’s sweet lips. “Unfortunately, baby, it would seem we’re going to have to cut our visit to Brody’s short. I don’t think I can keep my hands off you, and I doubt our friends appreciate us giving their kids a show.” He sighed. “Life is so strange. A few days ago, I was laughing at Brody’s predicament, and now I understand how he feels.”
    “Well, let’s look at it on the bright side.” Shiloh left his lap, snickering. “It’s good practice for when we have our own kids.”
    Both of them froze at the same time. Shiloh seemed to have realized exactly just what he’d said, while Liam tried to process its implications. Shiloh opened his mouth then closed it, the result making him look like a beautiful blond fish. The thought was funny enough that it snapped both of them out of their trance.
    “Look, I’m sorry,” Shiloh said hastily. “I didn’t mean to say that.”
    Liam forced himself not to make any interpretation of Shiloh’s words. “You don’t want kids with me, then?”
    “I…Uh…” Shiloh looked lost. “I just…It doesn’t scare you?”
    Shiloh’s uncertainty called out to Liam. “The only thing I’m scared of is that one day you’ll change your mind and decide I’m not good

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