Rescuing Christmas

Free Rescuing Christmas by Jason Nichols

Book: Rescuing Christmas by Jason Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason Nichols
Tags: Romance Christmas
bed, pulled on his robe and went downstairs. He looked at the tree they had spent hours decorating the night before with his mother and the staff all taking part.
    The moment he stepped foot on the plush carpet of the first floor, soft Christmas music started playing again, but this time it was just a random mix. They had set it up the night before to play random Christmas music from that point on.
    The front door opened, bringing a draft of cold air that caught Jamie’s robe and parted it, revealing he was naked underneath. Chris stopped and looked just before someone bumped into him from behind. Jamie hurriedly redid his rob ties and blushed as Chris smiled at him.
    Chris had a box in his hands and as he moved forward into the house, eight of the members of their staff walked in behind him each carrying two to three boxes as well, each a pretty good size.
    “Okay guys, take them over there to the couch by the tree and thank you.” Chris smiled and handed his box over to Kevin who reached for it at that moment, the suspense killing him.
    Chris walked up and kissed Jamie warmly and said, “Good morning my love.”
    Jamie smiled at him, adjusting himself as the very nearness of Chris had his blood flowing wild and free.
    “Later,” Chris whispered making Jamie groan. “What, you didn’t get enough of me last night?”
    Jamie frowned and said, “I had to make do without you for twenty years, I do not intend on doing that again. Anyway, what is all this stuff?” He turned and made a sweeping gesture with his arm to indicate all the boxes that had been brought inside and were now covering the floor and couch next to their massive Christmas tree.
    Chris smiled and said, “I told you I would find out what happened to those letter I sent you, and I did find out. Now, as soon as I find out who is responsible for it, I will be turning the case over to the Feds, as I am feeling just that vindictive about it.”
    Jamie frowned and said, “What do you mean?” Together the two moved toward the couch as Kevin brought them a tray of coffee and muffins.
    Unless Jamie was at the bar, Kevin was with him at all times. Jamie considered him family and the closest friend he had and he wasn’t about to start shutting him out of things now. Kevin sat down on the couch with them and the three of them started opening boxes. Each of them was filled to the brim with envelopes, all opened. Jamie could see a progression and noticed each box was dated. There were twenty boxes and each one was labeled by year. The first box was labeled the year following the Christmas that Chris had moved away and the writing on those envelopes showed they were written by a child. Each year the handwriting got better until the most recent where Jamie even recognized the handwriting and on the very top was a brand new letter, stuffed inside a Christmas card.
    With shaking hands, he took the card from Kevin as he handed it to him. Chris sat there silently and waited. Jamie opened the card and found it to be a cute comical cartoon Christmas card and inside was a letter. Jamie pulled the letter out and opened it.
    Dear Jamie,
    I had begun to despair of ever seeing you again. As an adult I suppose I could have come back home years ago, but I had my responsibilities and I could not just in good conscience walk away from them. However, in light of recent events I have decided to do just that. I don’t know if you are reading my letters or even getting them or if you even care about me anymore at this point but I wanted to let you know something. If you have read my past letters, you will know I am a cop in Los Angeles. Well, that is no longer true. I quit the force and was offered the job of Sheriff back in Baysville.
    I called Sheriff Quinn there and inquired about any openings for deputies and he informed me that he was retiring and none of the current deputies wanted the job so after he received all of my credentials and talked to my old boss here, and he

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