Dreams of the Forgotten

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Book: Dreams of the Forgotten by Lexi Ander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Ander
here cocooned in the warmth that was offered to me, but the more awake I became the more my chest hurt. Against my will, my eyes started to leak salty rivers as I tried to ignore the gnawing sensation where my heart used to be. I was unable to stop the choking sob that escaped my lips.
"Shhh, it's okay, Seth."
    Shushing noises sounded in my ears as Angelo pulled me closer, an arm held me securely to his chest through the sobs that racked my body. Hands cupped my face, covered me with sweet kisses, loving words breathed softly against my skin. I opened my eyes to Nikita's adoring gaze. His expression was soft with repressed emotion. I wanted to flinch, shy away from his stare. I didn't want him to see me, see how I'd failed.
    Nikita's hands tightened on my face. "You have nothing to be ashamed of."
"He left me," I choked. "How can I not be ashamed? What is wrong with me that he couldn't stand me?"
"Oh, Love, there is nothing wrong with you. Don't let him make you think that. You're perfect as you are." Nikita stared at me with such compassion and love.
"If I'm perfect then he'd want me."
I shut my eyes, swallowed the sobs and failed when a keening wail left my lips, echoing through my soul as I remembered my Twin Flame, Arsenios Kyrollos, looking at me with undisguised contempt before he walked away to be enveloped into her arms. I won't ever forget the look of triumph she gave me before she turned and kissed my Flame in front of me. Something within me shattered as I watched him lift her up so she could wrap her legs around him, his hands squeezed her ass as he rubbed against her like a dog in heat.
Angelo had found me sitting in front of the house I'd briefly shared with Arsenios. I couldn't tell him what happened. I couldn't see past the pain that came in the wake of abandonment. Carefully, Angelo had helped me up. He took me to the only other home I'd ever known.
By then, the whole village had known what had happened. Nikita was in a rage over the rumors. His anger had only made me feel worse. I had turned down the love he and Angelo offered. I'd hurt them even if I didn't mean to. It was to protect them and their bond. I loved them. Oh Gods, how I loved them.
Then my Twin Flame had unexpectedly stepped into my life. I thought surely I'd made the right choice. I ignored the fact my love for Angelo and Nikita hadn't lessened after I'd been claimed, that there was still a hollow within me. Instead I threw myself into the relationship with Arsenios, withdrawing completely from the two men whom I had loved all my life. I prayed to the Gods they'd understand and forgive me. So I turned from them and gathered my Flame to me, determined that I too would know the same happiness.
It was never to be. Now. Now I was abandoned. Even though I denied my love for Nikita and Angelo and hurt them, they continued to be steadfast in their love for me, to care for me, and now to rage for me.
"I'm sorry he hurt you. I'd take the pain away if I could." Nikita leaned in and kissed my tear-stained face as Angelo nuzzled the back of my neck.
"How can you stand me? I turned away from you. I denied you. How can you still love me?" I didn't understand what they felt for me. My own Flame left me for another, and the knowledge crushed me.
"Because you belong to us," Nikita said with vehemence. "You've always been ours. Will always be ours. You know it; you felt it before he came." Nikita pressed a kiss onto my mouth. "If you weren't ours, would you be able to stand our touch after he claimed you?"
"We are Lycans. We need the touch of others," I countered, withholding a tremble.
Nikita reached down and gently cupped me. I inhaled and shuttered. He leisurely stroked my growing erection. "This touch," he said with conviction, "this is the touch that wouldn't be welcomed if you weren't ours. Tell me again you don't sense it. Convince me you quit loving us only because you've been claimed by that filthy malakas, that moron." Nikita wrinkled his nose in

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