No More Running

Free No More Running by Jayton Young

Book: No More Running by Jayton Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayton Young
the theaters have, and it’s less crowded.”  I said as I took a seat in one of the ten captain’s chairs that filled the room.
    “Then I wouldn’t have been able to show you off, nor would I have been able to see Happy Feet Two.  It’s not on DVD yet.” 
    Garret went and got us some junk food to munch on and a couple of drinks for us to have while we watched the movie.
    When he got back, he put the first Happy Feet in first and sat beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders.  About half way through the movie, sharp pains started shooting through my stomach.  I grabbed my abdomen and bent over.
    Garret started to stand, turning to me, but fell to the ground with a grunt.  When I slid to my knees to check him, with tears in my eyes from the pain in my stomach, I saw that he’d passed out.  He was all clammy, like he’d been sick, but just hadn’t said anything to me.
    My vision was going dark, I felt real nauseous, and I couldn’t get back up.  I reached into Garret’s pocket, where he always kept his phone, and took it out. I dialed Claire’s number, but when she answered, all that came out was a groan of pain before I was lost to the darkness.
    Chapter 8
    I was in and out of it for Lord knows how long.  The first time I remember anything, Claire was trying to get me to wake up, but I was barely able to open my eyes before the darkness took over again.
    The next time was when I was being wheeled down the corridor of the hospital.  I couldn’t concentrate on what people were saying because I ended up rolling off the gurney when I tried to get up to throw up.  When I was finished vomiting, I blacked out again.
    There were several times I woke long enough to gain someone’s attention, usually vomiting, and then I was out again.
    One of the times I woke, a nurse had come into the room as someone was doing something with my IV.  She sounded upset, but I couldn’t get my mind out of the fog it was in enough to know what was being said.
    I finally woke from my fogged sleep at nighttime.  The lights were low, but I could see Claire sitting with Stefan on the bench seat by the window.  She had her head resting against his shoulder, and his arm was around her, his head resting on top of hers.  They looked really sweet.
    I tried to talk, but it came out a croaking sound because my throat was so raw and dry.  It was enough to gain their attention.  Claire jumped from her seat coming to see if I was alright.  She looked horrible, having bags under her eyes and her hair not styled like it normally was.  Stefan poured me a cup of water, put a straw in it, and let me sip it as Clair helped me sit up.
    “Thank you.” Even after having drank almost the whole cup down, my throat was still scratchy.  “Garret?”  I asked.
    “He’s doing better than you.”  Stefan answered.  “He woke up yesterday morning, a few hours after you both were brought in.  He’s been an ornery SOB, wanting to be in here with you.”
    “What happened to us?”
    They looked at each other before turning back to me; both with murderous looks in their eyes.
    “Someone poisoned everything in Garret’s house.  They are still testing the food and drink to try and determine what exactly was used, but they know it was the popcorn and water you guys had in the theater.  They already inspected the food at the Golden Palace, and didn’t find anything.”  Claire explained.
    “Then this wasn’t just us getting sick, or an accident?”  I wondered.  They both shook their heads.
    Thinking about it though, it couldn’t have been directed at me.  Nobody knew that I’d be going to Garret’s after the date, so that had to mean someone was after him.
    Looking back at them, I asked, “Garret doesn’t have any enemies does he?”
    Stefan looked surprised at the question, but he thought for a minute.  “Not that I can think of off the top of my head.  Everyone has someone who doesn’t like them or is

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