Dexter (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

Free Dexter (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson

Book: Dexter (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Chilson
    “Now me- you’ll have to see when you come into class tomorrow.” I chuckle to myself. “Everyone must wear their new clothing all day, every day until I say otherwise. Got it?”
“Yes, Sir,” they say in unison.
“We have to meet for cl ass every night at eight pm. I’ m sorry for the inconvenience this causes. But we have a lot of ground to cover in a short amount of time. Our Master is busy with a sixteen -year- old boy, Daniel III - aka Niel. He’s training his Protégé, Alex, to be another Trainer. He has also taken on Kri stal Harris , our fiery bartender. So he has his hands full too. We’ ll combine forces a few times over the next few weeks, so beware. ”
    I smirk at the thought that my four are a lot easier to deal with than his three . Niel is a manipulative demon and Kristal is- no word describes her better than fiery. She and Alex have been dating for years, but Marcus doesn’t even trust her with her own boyfriend. Kristal has two Masters, Queen in all things and Whitt in the dungeon.
    “Whitt, thanks for joining us and I’ll see you tomorrow. Greta, sorry, sweetheart, you have a date with the Devil. His office is two doors down- Devlin Conrick is on the door. Just knock and go in.”
“What does he need with me?” She asks in confusion.
“It’s standard issue now. He’ ll be very nice to you, I promise. Go on now. Katya will find you when you’re through and set up a time for shopping tomorrow afternoon.”
    “I’ll walk you,” Whitt says as he takes her elbow, ever the gentleman.
    “Well, kids, let’s go home. I have some more ga mes to play.” I say to my submissives . I’m in the mood to see if my Master and Katya were telling the truth.
    Chapter Nine
    I sit in my baseme nt dungeon waiting for the sub s to shower up. Sometimes I feel as if I have multiple personalities. My dungeon at Restraint was one style and this one is another. I mix the industrial feel of Restraint’s main dungeon with soft comforts. The soundproof walls and ceiling are dark gray. The flooring is made of rubber like in a gymnasium. The rubber offers its own form of soundproofing. It’s perfect for sensory deprivation- they can’t hear you coming for them. It’s also fun as hell to fuck on.
    Only two pieces of furniture are in the space, a round bed raised on a platform to match my height, and a chaise lounge. Both are wrapped in thick plastic for easy clean up.
    The rest of the basement holds some of my favorite tools of the trade. Two S t . Andrews crosses are on display at center stage in the room- Tobias’ favorite. A spanking bench and a swing are off to the side for Monica’s pleasure. My tools are proudly displayed on one wall in neat and tidy rows.
    I guzzle a bottle of water as I wait. I never drink alcohol before I play. I have to be in control of all my senses. Some of my favorite activities are on the edge. One slip or too much pressure and I could bring long lasting harm or even death to my submissives. Tonight this is especially important because it’s the first time I will take two subs at the same time. I’ve d reamed about it for so long. I’ m rewarding myself and when I am finished I will reward the pair as well.
    Monica pads silently across the floor and kneels at my feet. I pet her unbound, damp hair and pr ess her face against my leather- clad thigh. I stroke her for my own satisfaction. I allow my hand to roam anywhere it wants. She’ s nude for my enjoyment and I caress her small breasts reveling at how her nipples pebble in reaction to my touch. I murmur approvingly when she presses her breast farther into my hand.
    She was never one to initiate affection. She would freeze up as I touched her. She would enjoy it, but would only return the gesture if I asked or if she begged me to tell her to do it. She never had the confidence that I would want her touch as much as she wanted mine. She

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