The Best Man

Free The Best Man by Ella Ardent

Book: The Best Man by Ella Ardent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Ardent
night before. Fiona had offered to
take Jess shopping to console her—or distract her. Christine was just
glad the other woman was helping out. The suitcase with Jess’ wedding dress was
still missing, but Christine had promised to check in regularly with the
would be well after noon, but no one needed to know that.
Christine was in the cabana, she doubted anyone would find her.
gave her lots of time and opportunity to think about Jake. She’d spread a towel
on one chaise and laid there, fingering the blindfold as she obsessively
checked her watch.
then she touched herself. If nothing else, she’d be ready for him when he
    * * *
ten to twelve, Christine stepped out on to the beach. She was wet and her sex
was swollen in anticipation of Jake’s arrival. There was no sign of anyone to
her right where the beach became rocky, and just a woman with a big hat back by
the hotel to the left.
was Jake? She stood and stared, but no one appeared. The sun beat down, making
the sand look white and making the waves sparkle. It was hot and quiet, just
the sound of seagulls overhead.
the stroke of noon, Christine had a moment to be disappointed that she was
still alone.
she saw him.
man was coming out of the ocean. It was hard to see him clearly with the sun
reflecting so brightly off the waves, and Christine shaded her eyes to watch
him approach. He was definitely walking out of the sea, and headed directly
toward her.
wore a full wet suit with a hood, a mask and snorkel. He was encased in black,
his features hidden. Christine’s heart began to pound. He was the same height
as Jake. He had the same muscled build as Jake.
Jake had said he was going scuba diving.
man reached the beach and removed his flippers, shaking them out. He seemed to
peer into the shadows of the cabana, then waved at her with two fingers. He
turned his back upon her and removed his face mask, shaking the water out of
it. The sun cast his face in shadow when he turned back toward her, but he
hesitated before coming closer.
raised his hands in front of his eyes, reminding her and removing all doubt.
was her lover.
was Jake.
grabbed the blindfold and put it on quickly, her heart pounding in
anticipation. She heard his footsteps in the sand as he came closer. She heard
his breath as he stepped into the cabana and the air seemed to sizzle in
    “ Chère ,” he murmured. “ Femme de mes rèves. ”
of his dreams. Christine caught her breath when his hand landed on her cheek. His
skin was wet and cool, and she could smell the ocean water on him. He turned
her face slightly and bent to brush his lips across hers. She felt him studying
her and tingled from head to toe. Then he kissed her again, his mouth closing
possessively over hers. He tasted like salt and the sea, his tongue more
demanding than he had been the night before. He bore her down onto the chaise
lounge and she went willingly, wanting his weight over top of her and his
strength inside her. She slid her arms around his shoulders and his wet suit
was smooth and beaded with water. She ran her hands across his chest, wanting
to feel his skin against hers, but he chuckled.
    “ Non,
chère ,” he chided gently. His hands
slid over her arms and her breasts, then he unfastened the top of her bikini. “ Si
belle ,” he whispered, bending to
kiss one tight nipple. Christine gasped in pleasure, but it didn’t last. He
moved quickly, wrapping the bikini top around her wrists and binding them over
her head, to the top of the chaise lounge.
struggled instinctively and opened her mouth to protest. He put his fingertip
across her lips and bent over her. She heard him drop to his knees beside the
chaise, then he braced his weight over her. Her bare breasts collided with his
wet suit, with the hard expanse of his chest, and Christine tingled. She felt
his breath against her ear.

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