Of Wolves and Men

Free Of Wolves and Men by G. A. Hauser

Book: Of Wolves and Men by G. A. Hauser Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. A. Hauser
Tags: General Fiction
gambling allowed in Utah. You think on that.”
    “Come here. You ain’t no wolf yet.” Charlie cupped the back of Roman’s head and brought him to his lips. The more he touched the man, the more he liked it. “I am buyin’ lube and rubbers before our next sexual bout. You got that?” Charlie chewed on Roman’s jaw, nibbling his way to his neck. “I’m tryin’ not to be nervous about you not usin’ any last time.”
    “Sorry, babe. I’m clean. I promise.” Roman sank into the mattress and moaned as Charlie began to play with him.
    “Yeah. Any man can say that. And my ass is still smartin’ from that humpin’ you gave me.” He ran his hand down Roman’s chest to his abdomen.
    “Sorry. I swear I didn’t mean to be that rough. I just…”
    Charlie kissed Roman’s nipple. “Just…just turned into a wolf and mounted me like a bitch.”
    “Oh, Christ,” Roman moaned and covered his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
    Charlie folded the blankets back and took a good look at Roman’s body. “Maybe you have
    ‘animal magnetism’ or somethin’, buddy, but I am very turned on by you. I mean, to the extreme.”
    “Ditto.” Roman caressed Charlie’s hair.
    “You always prefer men?” Charlie ran his hand lightly over Roman’s erection. It bobbed at the touch.
    “Yes. Always.”
    Charlie caressed Roman’s hot, soft balls, rolling them in his palm. “This is all new to me.”
    “I know.” Roman smiled sweetly.
    “I got turned on to man-love last October.” Charlie pumped Roman’s cock as he spoke, seeing his own thickening with excitement. “I had a flat tire on the highway and I was lucky enough for a pretty gay boy to stop and help.”
    “He took one look at you and figured it was his lucky day.”
    “I’m nothin’ special.” Charlie felt his cheeks blush.
    “Wrong.” Roman thrust his hips into Charlie’s palm. “You are everything special. And the fact that you don’t know it makes you even more amazing.”
    Charlie felt a lump in his throat. He cradled Roman’s neck and kissed him again, this time, cupping his jaw, opening his mouth wider and using his tongue more aggressively.
    Roman responded, embracing Charlie and grinding their cocks together.
    When Charlie heard him growl, he tried to part from the kiss. Roman held on tight. His heart pumping from the attraction and intimidation, Charlie prayed Roman would stay human for this sexual bout. In an abrupt movement, Roman spun them over on the bed so he was on top.
    Charlie blinked and held his breath.
    Roman began to lick his way down Charlie’s body. His whimpers turning more sensual, and unfortunately, more animalistic.
    “Don’t chew my dick off.” Charlie was not kidding.
    “Never.” Roman nuzzled his face all over Charlie’s body, as if exchanging scents with him. He began running long wet laps up Charlie’s cock.
    Charlie was not a religious man, but he said a silent prayer to keep Roman a man, begging for him not to turn canine on him.
    Roman forced Charlie’s legs apart strongly, rubbing his face between his thighs, over his balls and against his cock.
    Chills and goose flesh coated Charlie’s skin from the pleasure. Roman grabbed Charlie by the knees and pushed his legs upwards, exposing his ass. “Did I do that?” Roman asked.
    “Do what?” Charlie had no idea what Roman was going to do to him with his legs straddled, but whatever it was it was going to be good. “Forget it. Keep goin’.”
    “I’m sorry I scratched you.”
    “Shut up, wolf-man and keep sucking my cock before you change into somethin’ that can’t.”
    “I can do better than that.” Roman gave Charlie a wicked grin. He lowered himself on the bed and Charlie felt his rim being licked and tongue-fucked.
    “ Oh , babe. That’s good. That’s very good.” Charlie grabbed his own cock and pulled on it.
    When Roman noticed, he nudged Charlie’s hand aside and took over.
    Roman’s growling grew deeper and his mouth’s actions much more

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