Sanibel Surrender Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Five)

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Book: Sanibel Surrender Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Five) by Talyn Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talyn Scott
tonight. More than likely, the memory rush would propel her into a human hysteria of some sort, and he wasn’t so good with consoling hysterical humans. “I’m not stopping so sit tight.”
    “Are you kidding?” she sputtered. “You most certainly will stop!”
    “No, I won’t,” he said patiently. Even mixed with remnants of paint, her scent was killing him. Ail’s werewolf was too twitchy around her, shooting primordial tingles up and down his spine. Gritting his teeth, he shook those thoughts off yet again and finally released his compulsion on her.
    “What’s happening to my head?”
    “I’ll tell you in a minute.” His left hand sprouted claws, so he thrust it under his thigh, waiting it out. Down Beast, she’s not ours. “On the count of three, take a deep breath and hold it.”
    “For what?”
    Ail growled, “Can’t you stop asking questions long enough to do what you’re told?” His werewolf picked that time to slam his head, rattling his skull until his ears started ringing. He stretched his neck, fighting the pain, but it was no use. To his right, Molly was shattering his sensitive Were ears, her mouth firing on all cylinders, spewing out shit regarding women’s rights. And how he couldn’t tell her to ‘do what she was told’ or she was going to do something anatomically impossible to his body. He’d never heard anything like it in his life. And she didn’t stop there. Oh, no. After that, Molly told Ail that it didn’t matter if he was three times her size - probably four times but he wouldn’t interrupt her - since she took a premium self-defense course and knew a thing or two about removing assholes from deserving people. He didn’t particularly like the way she drew out the word deserving, but he was too busy outrunning the cops to mention it. It didn’t matter; Ail knew she was all fluff. Molly was horrified when he’d found her coming out of that hidden room beneath Edison’s staircase, but he didn’t have the heart to point it out and shoot down her self-confidence.
    “Fine, Molly Ballbuster, have it your way.” Now, he had a healthier respect for his brother’s ability to multitask, specifically while guarding impossible females. “Don’t say you weren’t warned.” Slamming his teeth together to ward off his growing canines, Ail released his compulsion from Molly and threw everything he had towards the six officers. Come on! Come on. “Flip off your lights, turn those patrol cars around, and leave to find real criminals.” It took all of ten seconds before the patrol cars ceased chase. One problem down, many to go.
    He heard Molly’s sharp intake of breath, but he trained his eyes on certain shadows hovering in the sky, which could lead to a potential problem and a half. In his side vision, though, he saw that she had wrapped her arms around her head, her lips soundlessly chanting something. “If those are prayers, work ‘em in triple time, sweetheart, if my instincts are right, things are just about to get interesting.”
    “He disappeared!” She screeched in a disbelieving voice. “It really happened. He kissed me and then disappeared right in front of me!”
    For the first time in his short twenty years, Ail finally understood what possessive jealousy was all about. “Who the hell kissed you?” Oh, he would never get his claws to retract now!
    “That man.”
    “Your husband , right?” Damn it! Why did he nearly choke on that word? She’s not ours.
    “No! Under the stairs, the man with those eyes kissed me before he vanished.”
    “Those eyes, you say?” Molly’s face contorted in panic before she shook her head no, and he knew what she was thinking. That he would rat out her supposed insanity to hernutty family, who would then toss her into a padded cell and never look back. They might do that to Renee but not to Molly. “The man disappeared and,” he coaxed.
    “Then, you found me.”
    A partial truth, there was something she was hiding.

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