glanced at his phone to check the time. 3:30 am is what his
mind's eye saw before finally dozing off.
    The next morning was disorienting as usual.
The pain was much less noticeable today, Held back by his new drug
of choice! He texted Karen when the nurse had finished taking his
vitals and, ugh, dumping his catheter bag.
    “When can I have this thing out?” He finally
asked her.
    The middle-aged woman smiled. “If you can
stand up and walk on your own then we'll take it out right now.”
She said pleasantly. Cal pulled his covers off and sat at the edge
of the bed. With a little wobble, he stood up and walked until the
tether to his manhood stopped the advancement.
    “Well, it looks like its time.” She said. Cal
tried to block out the sensations as she deflated the bulb that
held the tube in his bladder. With an odd amount of perkiness, the
nurse pulled out the tube and covered Cal back up. Cal tried to not
feel too embarrassed as he asked her when things could return to
normal down there.
    She blushed as she finally got the hint of
what he was talking about. “Oh, right away honey! She said
brightly, adding, “Your girlfriend...?” She inquired carefully,
“was asking about it last night when she left. She's a pretty one!
She also wanted to know when you would be back in service.” Now it
was Cal's turn to blush.
    Karen walked in as the nurse was leaving. Cal
gave her a knowing grin as she sat down on the bed. “Doing some
research on my behalf I see?” Cal nudged her with his foot as she
gave him a guilty smile. He was just happy to not be tethered to
the bed anymore by his man land. She ran her hand up his leg,
feeling for him under the thin covers. His unfettered erection
throbbed gently under her caress.
    “I wish we could fuck.” Karen said
    Cal pouted, “It's too bad we're in a whole
hospital filled with people.”
    “Unless we could find somewhere more
private....” She offered coaxingly.
    “Well, I need to get up and move around
anyway. Doctor's orders...,” He said with a mocking salute. Karen
held his hand as he steadily walked about the room. She kindly
offered to tie his hospital gown closed as he gained his balance.
“It feels so good to walk.” He thought to himself as Karen assessed
their predicament. Like a light bulb coming on, she brightened up,
her smile holding a hint of mischievousness as she led Cal by the
hand. They smiled and said good morning the folks in the hall. Food
carts were being banged around loudly as the cafeteria delivered
breakfast. The smell of hospital food had always creeped out Cal.
His thoughts wandered until they came to a clear glass door marked
“Physical Therapy”. Karen's eyes lit up as the door pushed open at
her touch.
    “I think we found our rendezvous point.” She
lilted as Cal followed her in. The dark room was littered with
equipment for stretching and lifting the broken folks of St.
Francis Community Hospital. Karen eyed the various therapy devices
as she touched her finger to her chin pensively. “Ah ha!” She
finally said.
    She led Cal over to a contraption that looked
like a cross between a pull-up bar and a bench press table. As she
motioned for Cal to sit, she deftly grabbed the tie on his gown and
pulled the whole thing off his body in one smooth motion! He felt
shy, being so long without her touch. Now, as he stood there with
nothing but a few faded bruises and a rock hard rod of steel, Karen
tossed the gown over her head and strolled over to the workout
machine. After shimmying out of her jeans and top, she gently
pushed Cal onto the bench as she straddled him. She bent down to
kiss him, gently at first. Then, as her needs consumed her, she
began a furious assault on him. He returned the kiss as best as he
could, but Karen was a woman possessed. She moved over his lips,
biting his lower one as she held his head firmly in place. She
pulled so hard on his hair that it almost hurt! He countered by
holding her close, running his

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