Holy Smokes

Free Holy Smokes by Katie MacAlister

Book: Holy Smokes by Katie MacAlister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie MacAlister
Tags: Dragons, Read, alltimefav
Guardian Guild codes. No, there’s only one thing for it.”
    Jim looked worried.
    I nodded at it. “Yup. I’m going to have to go back to the Guardians’ Guild and ask them for some help.”

    D rake was pacing the room when I emerged from freshening up.
    “You don’t look like a man thrilled to be in the presence of his bride,” I said, eyeing the dragon of my dreams for a moment before flinging myself on him. “You look more like a man who is annoyed almost to the point of lecturing the aforementioned bride, which, given the day that the bride in question has had, would not be the wisest move. Oh, Drake!”
    “Has she turned on the waterworks again?” Jim asked as it wandered into the room. “Man, I’m going to be glad when her hormones settle back down. We leaving?”
    “Yes,” Drake told it over my head. “Go out to the car. Rene is there. We’ll be a minute.”
    I sobbed out the story of the day thus far, too far gone in my relief to see Drake to care that I was watering his tux again.
    “ Kincsem, I understand that it was difficult to be banished in that way. I do not understand why you believe your hands are possessed, but I am confident you will fill me in on that aspect of your day. We must leave now, however. I cannot protect this house, and I will not have you at further risk.”
    I sniffled and accepted the tissues that he had recently started carrying. “I know. And I want to go. I’m just so glad you’re here. Sometimes things get so overwhelming, and only when you’re around do I feel better.”
    Drake tipped my chin up, his eyes sparkling with a brilliant emerald light. “That has to be one of the nicest things you’ve said to me. You have made yourself necessary to me, as well.”
    I balled up my fingers and punched him in the stomach.
    He laughed as he rubbed his belly, then pulled me tightly against his chest. “All right, I will say it, but you must make note that this fulfills the requirement for the day.”
    “Too much talking and not enough kissing,” I said as I grabbed his head and pulled it down to me. His kiss was as hot as his dragon fire, scorching more than just my lips. His tongue danced along mine, driving me into squirming against him, wanting what only he could give me.
    “Give it,” I whispered into his mouth, and quivered to the tips of my toes when he opened his mouth and let his fire sweep through me. It blazed a trail along my veins, burning my blood, carrying me along in an inferno of desire, love, and need.
    “I love you more than all the treasures of the world, Aisling. Our love will burn for an eternity until we have taken our last breaths, and even then it will continue to shine as a testament to that which we are together, a beacon of passion for all to see like a glittering star in the darkness of the night sky.”
    “You sure know how to sweep a girl off her feet,” I said, kissing the corners of his delectable mouth as his dragon fire faded away. I felt empty inside without it, as if a part of me was missing, a sadness so profound it made my soul weep. “I love you, too.”
    “We must leave. I do not like this place.”
    “I know the feeling.”
    Jim was yakking to Rene, who was once again double-parked. “…she ralphed again, which is so morning sickness, don’t you think? I mean, how in denial can you…oh, hi, Ash.”
    I pointed to the front seat of the car. Jim grinned and hopped in.
    “Where are Pál and István?” I asked, looking around.
    “Looking for you,” Drake answered, cocking one glossy ebony eyebrow in a way that never failed to make my stomach tighten.
    “Didn’t you call them after you heard from me?”
    Drake waited until we were both in the car, nodding to Rene, who shot out into the afternoon traffic with his usual disregard of other vehicles and pedestrians. “Yes. They are on their way back home now. We feared the red dragons had you, and they broke into Chuan Ren’s London house to see if you were being held

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