Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Page A

Book: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
Tags: Romance
her. She held his gaze, and a guilty feeling filled her. She shook a little, and she wondered why she couldn’t be more brazen and sure of herself and her life like her sisters were with theirs.
    Michael touched her cheek, causing her to look at him again.
    “What’s wrong? Talk to me and tell me what you’re feeling.”
    She waited a few moments, unsure of how to explain what she felt without hurting his feelings or minimizing what she felt she should do.
    “Mikayla?” he questioned her as he held her chin more firmly.
    “I am so attracted to you, Michael, really I am.”
    She blurted it out, and he smiled then eased up on his hold.
    “That’s good to know. I’m very attracted to you as well in case my actions haven’t shown you.”
    She swallowed hard.
    “Are you going to invite me in?” he asked. Boy, did she really want to say yes.
    “No,” she whispered, and he appeared shocked.
    “I’m so sorry, Michael, but this is so new to me. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or what the rules are if there even are any. I mean Pierre was talking about schedules, and it seemed like there may be some unwritten rules to follow, and I don’t want to insult your brothers. I mean if I sleep with you, and believe me, I am so wanting to sleep with you right now, but if I do, what will your brothers think? They might expect me to do the same with them on their dates, and if I didn’t, then they may be insulted or feel that I may not have the same feelings for them that I do for you. Oh God, I’m making a mess of things.” She covered her face with her hands.
    “Shh, baby, you’re overthinking this.” He pulled her closer to him and hugged her.
    “I want you, I know you want me, and you’re confused because of the others. I understand and I respect the fact that you don’t want to hurt their feelings or insult them. We get how this works, Mikayla. Our parents were in this type of relationship, and it’s something we’ve talked about having as well. There’s no rush.”
    She pulled away slightly and stared into his eyes. He smiled.
    “I want to. I do, but instantly the others entered my mind. It’s so crazy.”
    He gave her a quick kiss on her lips then smiled.
    “Not crazy, just meant to be. You’ll see. It will all work out.”

Chapter 4
    Pierre answered his cell phone. He was anticipating seeing Mikayla all day. Michael had shared with them Mikayla’s concern over having sex with him on the first date and what message it might send. She was indeed a very special woman, and he wondered how he would be able to resist taking her to bed. He wanted to explore her body, and he was used to getting what he wanted. He half listened to the person on the other line as Isaac pulled onto some dark, dismal road leading into what would reveal the town of Orchidea. He ended the call and waited patiently to see what the place looked like. As they came around the final bend in the roadway, the lights and sounds of jazz music greeted them. It was not such a small town, and it appeared to be a hidden treasure.
    Isaac located Mikayla’s home, set back from the road in a humble neighborhood of similar houses. Her home was decorated with lots of flowers and a front porch with swinging bench and rockers. He hated to admit it, but it looked inviting. It was a far cry from the city and their extravagant family estate.
    Isaac got out of the car and came around the side to open the passenger door. Pierre got out and fixed his dress pants and the blazer he wore. He was dressed somewhat casually considering that he would be taking Mikayla out on his yacht for an evening dinner and cruise.
    He climbed the stairs, noting the sight and smell of the wisteria that traveled up the side of the railing and along one side of the porch. He immediately thought about the story she had shared about the Owens’ son and owner of the house he bought.
    He rang the doorbell and waited for Mikayla to answer. His heart pounded inside of his

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