Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Book: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
Tags: Romance
desperate to get her alone again. He just wanted to focus on them, and the intensity surprised him. That was until Mikayla yanked her hand from his grasp.
    “Michael, stop!”
    She placed her hands on her hips and stared up at him. The fire in her eyes sent awareness and desire through him like nothing ever had before. She looked pissed and sexier than ever.
    “Why are you dragging me through the streets? What is wrong with you? Does this have something to do with Gabe and what he said back there? It meant nothing, and I don’t know why you’re acting like this.”
    He grabbed her, hoisted her up against his body, and stopped any further words from her lips by kissing her.
    Michael poured his emotions into that kiss, devouring her moans along the way.
    He gripped her ass and pressed her hard against his cock, and she accepted his engagement, tilting her head back, giving him better access to her mouth. The kiss went on for few more seconds until he felt Mikayla begin to pull from him. He realized that they weren’t exactly in a private location as he slowly released her lips. He trailed kisses along her jaw as they both settled their breathing. He glanced around them. No one was in sight.
    * * * *
    Mikayla felt winded and incredibly desirable. Michael knew how to win an argument. If that’s what they had begun to have. He held her snugly against him. Even now, after releasing her lips, he remained glued to her.
    “Let’s go,” he commanded, slowly letting her down from against him before taking her hand, squeezing, then leading her back toward his car.
    She was surprised and grateful she was able to walk after what happened in the side street. How did it get so intense between them? What were his intentions now?
    They were silent even as he glanced at her now and again, between dodging pedestrians and cars on the streets. They finally reached a small commuter parking area where they’d parked earlier. They located the black BMW, and as she walked next to him thinking he was going to open the door and leave at the same fast pace that had gotten them here so quickly, he stopped her.
    His large, firm hand went to her waist and his other hand reached under her hair against her neck as he tilted his head toward her, crushing his lips to hers.
    His scent, his cologne, and his powerful aura infiltrated her senses. Damn, he was a great kisser. Way too soon his exploration of her mouth ended, and she was left once again panting and wondering what he intended to do next.
    “Get in, sugar, before I take you right here against my car.”
    The chills ran up her spine and her legs nearly gave out from the intensity of his words and his tone. She turned, and he kept a hand around her waist, assisting her so she wouldn’t knock into the open door. God, did he know how good he was at seduction? She felt like such an inexperienced boob right now.
    * * * *
    She clutched her hands on her lap, over the small purse she carried. He would look at her now and then and just smile, but his eyes lit up with excitement. He sped down the highway and along the back roads like a race car pro, and even that made her panties wet and her body hum for sex.
    There were no means of defense against a man like Michael. His charms and his aggressive sexuality called to a part of her she hadn’t known existed. She wanted him to touch her everywhere and anywhere he wanted.
    She realized in that moment that she wanted him, too. She wanted to explore this crazy attraction. Then came thoughts of the others. Was this fair? Was it right for her to sleep with Michael or did it send a message that she would sleep with the others on the dates with them, too? Then of course if she didn’t, they might get offended or think that she was showing favoritism.
    “Oh hell!” Mikayla said out loud then covered her mouth with her hand. Michael had just pulled into her driveway.
    “What’s wrong?” he asked, taking her hand and leaning closer toward

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