Pirates of the Caribbean 03 The Pirate Chase

Free Pirates of the Caribbean 03 The Pirate Chase by Rob Kidd

Book: Pirates of the Caribbean 03 The Pirate Chase by Rob Kidd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Kidd

    The Pirate Chase
    The Pirate Chase (Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow #3)
    Rob Kidd
    Captain's Log:
    Having recently defeated some most vicious (and most beautiful) mermaids--agents of the legendary Sirens--we set sail in the hope of finishing up our quest to procure the legendary Sword of Cortes, a sword with unimaginable power. Once the sheath and the sword are united, the power of the sword shoots from unimaginable to godlike. I expertly ascertained that the sheath belonging to that sword--a sheath which the crew of the mighty Barnacle happens to currently possess--must be able to somehow lead us to the sword itself. I gracefully set the sheath on the deck of our great ship, and it spun around like a compass needle, pointing toward an island very likely, in my opinion, to be Isla Fortuna. At least, in the general direction, no doubt. After all, how could an enchanted sheath steer us wrong? It won't be long before the Sword of Cortes is back in that sheath--and all of its power is in the hands of the mighty Captain Ja [crossed out] Barnacle's crew! Our only obstacle is the notorious, vicious pirate Leftfoot Louis.He should be an easy adversary to overcome, however, given our track record defeating roaring sea beasties and pirates who control storms.
    "See, I told you!" Jack Sparrow proclaimed from the prow of the Barnacle as the misty green shape of an island became clear on the horizon. "The sheath's led us straight to Isla Fortuna." He bowed. "No applause necessary," he continued despite the fact that no one had clapped, "stow it till we have the Sword in hand."Just days before, the sheath to the fabled Sword of Corte s had fallen to the deck of the
    Barnacle and acted as a compass, pointing the crew somewhere. Jack guessed Isla Fortuna. Legend had it that once the Sword and sheath were united, the already powerful Sword would become invincible!"Oh, come on, Jack. Ye're mad. Sure, the sheath has led us straight to an island," Arabella, Jack's trusted first mate said, folding her arms. The sea breeze tugged at her tousled auburn hair. "We don't yet know which island. And, if it is Isla Fortuna, how do we know the Sword is there?""You're splitting hairs, chere," said Jean, a young sailor that Jack's crew had picked up on Isla Esqueletica, the very first island they visited on their adventure. Jean stood next to Jack at the very prow of the Barnacle, gazing at the island in the distance. Sea foam splashed at his feet."It does n't matter if this is where the Sword is. The sheath wants us to go to this island, so it has to be important for some reason, non?"Jean's friend Tumen, an equally great sailor and expert navigator, who had also been rescued from Isla Esqueletica by the Barnacle, added, "Jean is right. Where else could that sheath be leading us but somewhere related to the Sword?""Perhaps it is leading us to somewhere terrible," the aristocratic runaway Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III pointed out. "If the sheath really were cursed, it could be pointing us straight to our doom."Some people just couldn't take an enchanted sheath pointing toward an island for the obvious stroke of good luck it was. Annoying, in Jack's opinion.Jack stepped up and sighed. "You're all wrong. We are going the right way. We are about to find the Sword and, in the unlikely event that we are, in fact, headed into danger and not to the Sword itself, well, I say it's about time somebody--anybody--on this crew had a proper sense of adventure!"Arabella sneered. "Trust me, Jack. Anybody who sails with ye is willing to take risks." Jack smiled proudly, "Why thank you, mate," he responded.Jack took the ship's wheel firmly in hand and steered the Barnacle straight toward the island and whatever it held in store for the crew. With the wind snapping the sails and the Barnacle dancing on the waves, Jack thought he no doubt made a fine picture of a ship's captain--worthy of a painting.Then, Jack

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