Wind-Scarred (The Will of the Elements, Book 1)

Free Wind-Scarred (The Will of the Elements, Book 1) by Sky Corbelli Page B

Book: Wind-Scarred (The Will of the Elements, Book 1) by Sky Corbelli Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Corbelli
Tags: adventure, Future, wind, wormhole, hawkins, stargate, element, ezra
Doe running toward
them, waving. Her shorts were entirely too short. Her shirt was
entirely too clingy. Her lips were entirely... oh god, exactly the
same color as the lipstick from last night. Maybe Kirsten had that
meat cleaver on her. He was fairly certain that Mr. Crawford could
make it quick.
    Perhaps he could signal to her that this was
a very bad time. Something like a cutting motion across the neck,
but one that no-one else would notice. She was getting close, he'd
have to make it fast. It might not be too late if he could just get
her to...
    Suddenly her arms were
wrapped around his neck and her body was pressed against his. She
crushed her mouth to his, and his hands wrapped around her
waist. Traitors ,
Ezra thought at them.
    “ Sorry I'm late,” she said a little breathlessly once the kiss
had ended. “I got caught up at the club and just lost track of
    Ezra took a quick inventory of his other
companions. Mr. Crawford looked confused, which was better than
murderous. Liza had a hand up to her mouth, staring at him with her
lips pressed into a scandalized O as she gave an excited little
gasp. Kirsten's arms were crossed in front of her, brilliant green
eyes burning with rage as she glared at Ezra.
    “ Hi, uh, Gal. I-It's... good to see you again.” Ezra gulped. He
could practically feel Kirsten's glare boring into the back of his
head as Gal beamed up at him.
    “ Oh, well, pleased to meet you. I'm Liza Crawford, a friend of
Mr. Hawkins,” Liza extended her hand in a polite greeting. “And you
    “ Yes, Ezra,” Kirsten's voice probably could have cut diamonds,
“Why don't you introduce us to your... friend.”
    “ Oh... yes! Sorry, this is, uh, Galois Doe. She lives here in
Sanctuary.” Of course she lives here in
Sanctuary, you idiot , Ezra thought to
himself. Quick, say something
better! “ We met
last night.” He cringed.
    “ Yeah, we were out behind this club, Eigen-Dance, watching the
waterworks. It was so amazing, the Guild of Sundry was flying
around everywhere. Did you all see it?” Ezra stared at her in
horror. Why was she doing this to him?
    Mr. Crawford rumbled to Kirsten, “But I
thought you said that he was-”
    “ Oh, I didn't see it,” Liza said, clearly caught up in the
excitement of meeting an actual interesting person. “But I heard
that it was positively terrifying. They didn't even have anyone to
catch them if they fell!”
    Gal's smile broadened and she leaned closer
to Liza, dropping her voice slightly to conspiratorial tones.
“Well, I heard that they were just a distraction so that someone
could use wormholes to steal the entire twentieth century culture
exhibit from the Conservatorium, and that's why it's closed.” Liza
gasped again and snapped her attention back to Ezra. It just kept
getting worse. Time to cut and run.
    “ Well, good, we've met up now, like we said we would.” Ezra
tried to surreptitiously push away from Gal, but she stuck to his
arm. “So... you probably need to get back to the club.”
    “ But Ezzy,” she pouted prettily, “You said that we'd go check
out the Lolcats exhibit, then after we could visit that little
place you knew.”
    “ Yes Ezra, you know how important it is not to break your appointments. It would certainly be most inconsiderate. ” Ezra didn't even dare to look at Kirsten. With the acid
already dripping from her voice, he was fairly sure that making eye
contact would instantly reduce him to ash.
    “ Now wait a minute,” began Mr. Crawford, “he was coming here to
meet my Liza, wasn't-”
    “ It was really great to meet you all,” Gal beamed at Kirsten and Crawfords,
“I hope you all have fun with whatever you're doing!” With that,
she dragged Ezra away toward the museums.
    Ezra glanced back over his shoulder as he
was pulled along. Mr. Crawford was scratching his dark, shaggy
head. Kirsten was doing her best to kill him with her eyes at a
hundred paces. Liza had her hands clasped in front of her and

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