Wolf Trinity

Free Wolf Trinity by Becca Jameson

Book: Wolf Trinity by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
heads. Emma would be able to also, if she ever woke up.
    Jaden reached over her and stroked Liam’s bicep.
    Liam tipped his head and grazed his cheek along his partner’s hand.
    “She’s a gem. She has sucked me into a world I never knew I’d find. And I’m so lucky to have you sharing her with me.”
    Liam held his breath. That was the closest Jaden had ever come to revealing his feelings toward Liam. He had Emma to thank for that. He kept his gaze on Emma, not wanting Jaden to see the tears in the corners of his eyes. He swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue. Jaden wasn’t ready to hear them yet. Soon. He hoped.
    Emma squirmed between them and settled again. She lay on her stomach, her arms over her head hugging a pillow. Her face tipped toward Liam, her hair haloed out around her.
    They gave her no space to move. Hell, there wasn’t enough space to spare. The bed was queen sized, and three of them were currently squished in it. Both Liam and Jaden were tucked up against Emma tightly. The sheets had long since been kicked to the end of the bed. And it was warm enough in the cabin to leave them where they were. Wolves ran a bit warm anyway, and the air-conditioning unit was barely soothing their skin.
    Liam finally closed his eyes, his face settling inches from Emma’s, sharing her air. His cock was stiff where it rested against her thigh, but she would be way too sore and tired for him to rouse her now. Besides, he needed rest too.
    It seemed as though only moments had passed before he smelled the heavenly scent of coffee filling the air, and bacon…
    Liam pried one eye open. Emma was in the same spot, but her gaze was on his. And her face held a warm smile. Liam was still tucked next to her, his top leg thrown over her closest one. His cock was still hard. Had he slept the entire night aroused? He wouldn’t doubt it.
    Emma licked her lips. “I didn’t want to disturb you.” Her words came out dripping with sweetness. Her smile mesmerized him. She was so content.
    “You may disturb me any time, especially if you’re naked.” He grinned back at her and tugged her closer, as if that was possible.
    She let him manipulate her into his embrace, her body fitting against his perfectly, her pussy warm and wet against his cock as he angled her onto her side, facing him.
    “I’ve never slept that well.” Emma lifted her top leg over both of his. “You make me forget I’m supposed to be on alert,” she muttered as her eyes closed.
    When her head tipped back, Liam leaned in to nuzzle her neck. Her leg gripped his hips, and a low moan escaped her lips. He’d do anything to help her forget to be on alert for killers. Her life’s challenges made him want to punch someone or destroy the fuckers who’d been chasing her across the country for fifteen years. What the hell was their motive? Surely they weren’t just purely vindictive after all this time. Fifteen years was a long time to hunt down a little girl just to eradicate a wolf.
    Liam worried there was more to it. He and Jaden needed to question her on the subject. Cleary she didn’t remember it that way, but he wasn’t convinced. Maybe she knew something she didn’t realize, some detail that would explain why men still wanted her dead.
    Emma’s belly rumbled. Liam chuckled. “We need to feed you.”
    She moaned, her head rolling back against the pillow. She relaxed her grip on his hip with her leg, and he regretted that they ever needed to eat again. He’d much rather be pressing his cock into her hot center than climbing out of bed to acquire sustenance.
    “Come on, you lazy creatures.” Jaden clamored around across the room, setting plates on the table.
    Liam licked his lips as he stared across the room at the steaming platters of food. He chuckled at the irony. Usually he was the first one up. Usually he was the energetic one making coffee and breakfast. “Usually” had gone out the window when Emma walked into their lives.
    Instead of

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