The Eternal Darkness
happened to them.  Jonas listened intently as Dominic described Parshalthia and the fight there.  Dominic also shared his concerns for Jake and Hailyn.
    “I also fear for their safety,” Jonas said.  “I received a letter from Brother Kal of Beragan, letting me know that they had made it safely to the capital and had set out to the west in the company of a Beragan cleric.  That was the last I heard of their whereabouts.”  He sighed.  “We can only trust in the One to protect them now.”
    Jonas told him of all that had occurred in Sanduas, but would not say why they were going to the palace.  “As I said, I will let the queen tell you.  I promised to allow her to speak to you first.”
    To their surprise, Marcus was waiting for them at the palace gates, his two friends standing nearby.  “I heard that Dominic had returned,” he said.  “I wanted him to see a friendly face to reassure him about Keria’s intentions.”
    “I’m honored, Prince Marcus,” Dominic replied politely.  He cracked a slight smile.  “I hope you know what you are getting into.”
    Marcus laughed.  “There are days, Dominic, that I am not sure I do.”
    He led them into the palace and into a smaller room near the throne room.  Keria, the golden crown resting on her head, rose from a couch and came over to greet them.
    Dominic gave her a bow.  “I would say congratulations, Your Majesty, but I know the price of that crown.”
    “Thank you, Lord Dominic,” Keria replied gracefully.  She gestured toward the couches.  “Let us sit and talk.”
    “I have letters for you from the Queen of Aletonia,” Dominic said as he proffered the envelopes.  Marcus took them with a nod of thanks. 
    “I know of your history with my father, but I wish to renew your relationship with the crown,” she said when they were seated.  “I have ordered your titles and lands restored.”
    “You can keep the titles, Majesty,” Dominic said bluntly.  “I have no wish to be tied down by palace politics.” 
    “Please let me finish, Dominic,” she replied soothingly, looking over at Marcus.  “Both Marcus and I know that we would likely not be here without you.  We respect you and your fight against our enemies.  We also respect your protection and training of Jake, whom we both care for.”
    “However, we cannot ignore the attacks that the demons launched against Sanduas and Aletonia,” she said more directly.  “I fear that we may face more direct combat with them and their followers.”  She paused briefly, hesitation clear on her face, and then took a deep breath.  “I wish for you to return to your position as Commander of the Army and Royal Guard.  Your presence will reassure the people.”
    Dominic stared directly at her, his eyes suddenly hard.  “That time is done for me,” he said, voice cold and stiff.  “You have competent commanders in those positions.”
    “Will you not take time to consider-?” Keria began.
    “You have my answer, Majesty,” Dominic said firmly, rising.  “May I have your permission to leave?”
    Keria, face angry, straightened in her chair and looked ready to say something else, but Marcus put a hand on her shoulder.  “He has earned the right to say no,” he said gently.
    After a few moments, Keria nodded.  “Your titles are yours, Lord Dominic.  You may use them or not,” she said as she rose.  “You may depart.”
    With a quick bow, Dominic turned and strode from the room, Jonas following behind.

    The sun was shining brightly in the sky, but the mountain air was cool, bordering on cold, when the tall gray walls of the Keep came into view.  A gust of wind curled around Jake, carrying the woody aroma of the nearby pines and the faint scent of damp stone.  There had been rain the day before, but it had passed by early evening.
    He drew his cloak a bit tighter around his body to ward off the chill as he took in the Keep.  He saw the sentries on the walls,

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