Saving the Beast

Free Saving the Beast by Lacey Thorn

Book: Saving the Beast by Lacey Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Thorn
Tags: Shapeshifter Erotic Romance
Tah,” Kenzie reiterated, wide eyes meeting Diane’s. “He’s closer than I thought. I need to find a place for Diane to camp so I can keep an eye on them. We’ll talk to you when we get a chance.”
    Kenzie hit the end call button on Diane’s phone and shoved it at her. “Hurry up. We’re out of time. Hope you know how to pitch your own tent.”
    The predatory call of Zane’s animal filled the air again, making Diane feel stalked. Time was up. Soon, she’d know for sure if Zane was her mate or not. She took a deep breath and followed Kenzie at a jog.

    Chapter Five
    Fuck! That was the mantra going through Diane’s head. As soon as they’d hit the small clearing, Kenzie had done a dump and run, leaving Diane on her own. She’d known she’d be alone at some point, had even anticipated it, but the reality was far more frightening than she’d imagined.
    It had been almost an hour since had Kenzie left and there was still no Zane. Diane wasn’t sure what that meant. Had she been completely wrong about being Zane’s mate? Maybe he’d just been nice to her? Maybe she was the only one who felt heat between them?
    She kicked at the ground and glared at the tent. If she was wrong, then it would offer no protection against an enraged, primal panther. Tying one of the front flaps back, she tossed her backpack and the extra food bag inside, out of the way. She knew she was supposed to tie the food up or something, but she wasn’t a camper, damn it! And Zane should already be here to protect her!
    She glanced around and had not a clue what to do. Kenzie had been so certain Zane was coming for her. Another thought skated through her mind. What if it wasn’t Diane he was after? What if he’d gone after Kenzie? What if they’d all been wrong, and he saw her as a threat?
    “Kenzie!” she yelled as loudly as she dared. “Kenzie, are you out there?”
    Her phone vibrated in her pocket, scaring the shit out of her and making her jump with a squeal of terror. Good grief, she was freaking herself out.
    “Hello?” she answered.
    “I’m here.” Kenzie’s voice came through the line. “I moved up higher, trying to get upwind of you. Be careful. Your voice carries really well here.”
    “Maybe to someone with enhanced senses,” Diane hissed. She could barely hear herself over the staccato beat of her heart. “How far away are you?”
    “Far enough that hopefully Zane won’t feel threatened anymore by my presence so near his unclaimed mate,” Kenzie uttered. “But close enough to get to you quickly if needed.”
    “He’s not here,” Diane muttered. “Are you sure that was him we heard?”
    “It was him all right,” Kenzie confirmed. “And he’s there. Trust me.”
    “Then what is he doing because I’m in this clearing alone wondering if I’m going to be panther food.”
    Kenzie snickered. “If he eats you, I’m sure you’ll enjoy every flick of his tongue.”
    Diane groaned as that thought filled her head. The image of his dark head nestled between her thighs licking and sucking on her pussy almost had her orgasming on the spot. She knew she had it bad when just the thought of him had her so close.
    “Kenzie, I’m serious,” Diane hissed again. “He’s not here, and I’m starting to freak out.”
    “He followed me for a bit,” Kenzie said.
    “Why? Are you okay?”
    “I’m fine. More than likely, he was making sure I wasn’t a threat to you. I kept moving higher away from you until he seemed satisfied and turned back,” Kenzie said. “Everything will be fine.”
    Diane snorted. “Are you sure about that?”
    “It’s too late for second thoughts,” Kenzie warned her. “You said you were his mate, so prove it.”
    “How the hell do I do that?” Diane demanded.
    “Talk to him. Let him know you’re there for him. If Zane is still exerting some control over the animal, and he obviously is, then he’s probably using everything to hold the beast in rein, trying to

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