Encore Encore
thick cum striped his belly and chest, a few drops spattering his chin.
    Roscoe milked him through it, then released his over-sensitive cock to give him the pounding he’d demanded earlier. His body ENCORE! ENCORE! 57
    still clenched from the orgasm, Shawn rode the delicious friction, dazed as he watched Roscoe chase a climax. Catch it. So fucking beautiful when he arched back, a groan dribbling from his lips as he shot his load deep inside Shawn.
    They lay side by side as their bodies cooled, hands idly drifting over conveniently close body parts, eyes locked in silent promise.
    Once his heartbeat normalized, Shawn cuddled closer, draping one leg over Roscoe’s narrow hips as he brushed lips to lips.
    “What was I mad about again?”
    He felt more than saw Roscoe’s smile. “I can’t remember.”
    “Mmm. Neither can I.” He opened his mouth to Roscoe’s, sucking in the tongue he craved. “I love you.”
    “I love you too.”
    ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
    Shawn applauded, laughing at Nick’s retelling of their antics on their way upstate. They stood on the top of the hill overlooking the outdoor amphitheater in full costume. Shawn, Nick, Jeff and, surprisingly enough, Joshua. The pair had brought the third with them to see one of Shawn’s performances in the Bard’s Festival.
    Shawn had not known this until after the show when he saw who was with them. But, now, twenty minutes and a brief serious talk later, it was all good.
    They were laughing loud enough that Shawn didn’t hear Roscoe come up behind him. Didn’t even know he was there until mirth melted from Joshua’s face as he focused over Shawn’s shoulder.
    Shawn looked up just as Roscoe placed a hand on his shoulder, gently pulling Shawn against his side. “You sound like you’re having a good time.”
    Shawn beamed up at his lover, winding an arm around his waist underneath his light sports jacket. The ample skirt of his formal dress and the unyielding boning of his corset kept him from melting into his lover, but he did what he could. “I am.” He used his free hand to indicate the others. “I think you’ve 58 Mykles ~ Much Ado
    met Nick, although you may not recognize him outside of his makeup.”
    Roscoe held out a hand, smiling. “Ms. Tyken, I presume?” Nick batted his unmade eyelashes and his posture went from masculine to feminine in an easy glide as he slid his hand into Roscoe’s. “Hello, handsome. Nice to see you again.” Shawn gestured to Jeff. “This is Nick’s friend, Jeff.” The two men shook.
    Shawn smiled at Joshua despite the uneasy look on the other man’s face. “And this is Joshua.”
    Because they were pressed together, Shawn felt Roscoe fl inch.
    He looked up to see the careful calm on his lover’s face, knowing a wealth of emotions hid behind that mask. A little more slowly, he held out his hand. Shawn knew it wasn’t an accident that he pulled Shawn closer at the same time.
    Joshua met Roscoe’s stare and shook his hand briefl y. He nodded but lost his nerve and lowered his eyes along with his hand. “It was a great play,” he tried, sticking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “One of the few Shakespeare plays I’ve seen that I could actually follow.”
    “Thank you.” With Joshua’s attention averted, Roscoe glanced down at Shawn. The calm expression remained, but the black eyes behind those glasses glittered with questions.
    “Well.” Nick clapped his hands, dispelling the tension. “I’m sure you two have things to do and we really should be getting back on the road.” He shook Roscoe’s hand again as Shawn ducked free then pulled Shawn into a tight hug. “You’ll be okay?” he whispered, lips close to Shawn’s ear on the other side from Roscoe.
    Shawn grinned and squeezed Nick. “I’ll be fi ne. Thank you.”
    “No problem, sugar. I’m just glad it worked out.” Nick straightened and winked. For their audience, he put on a little simper. “You were marvelous, darling.” ENCORE! ENCORE!

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