Beautiful Entourage

Free Beautiful Entourage by E. L. Todd

Book: Beautiful Entourage by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. L. Todd
    “Fine,” he said in an aggravated voice. “Now get off me.”
    I released him then turned away.
    Aspen sighed when I reached her. Irritation was on her face, and the green color of her eyes became more prominent. Even though she was angry, her eyes looked more beautiful. “I really hate him sometimes.”
    “Who is he?”
    “My brother.”
    I cocked an eyebrow, unable to believe it. “Are you sure?”
    Her body relaxed from the drama and she chuckled. “Unfortunately.”
    I turned back and watched him march off with his gang. “That guy?”
    “Yes. He’s a typical loser who only cares about himself. He’s childish, immature, and just a pain in the backside. I’d kick his ass if we weren’t in public.”
    “Why is he here?”
    “He works for the company, mainly busywork.”
    I found it hard to believe that guy could be serious for even a moment.
    Aspen read my mind. “Dad employs him just because Lance is his son. For some reason, he turns a blind eye to everything he does. The employees used to complain about him because he was so disruptive and harassed the girls, but Dad dismissed all of their claims. Now they don’t even bother. It’s ironic since Dad screams at me for every little mistake I make, and most of them are completely out of my control, but his first born son can do no wrong.”
    The more I got to know her, the more I realized she had to put up with a lot of shit.
    “I’m sorry.” She rubbed her temple quickly then dropped her hand. “I’m babbling about my problems again.”
    “No.” I pulled her closer to me and moved my hands to her hips. “These are the things I like to know about.”
    Her playful attitude returned. “You’re like a therapist.”
    “I’ve never thought about it that way, but yes, I suppose I am.”
    She rested her head against my chest for a moment.
    I was suddenly aware how close we were to one another. I wasn’t sure why. Her hair was styled perfectly and I didn’t want to mess it up so I didn’t rest my chin on her head like I wanted to. I just held her there.
    She and I turned at the sound of her name.
    “What was the commotion about?” He was an older man with white hair and a thick mustache. He wore glasses that made him look constantly angry. His suit looked expensive, and he carried himself like he owned the room and everything in it. I assumed this was her father. And I didn’t like him at all. Even if I knew nothing about the man, I wouldn’t like him. His body language, mannerisms, and tone of voice told me everything I needed to know.
    Aspen’s eyes were greener than ever before. “Your son thought it would be fun to dump drinks on the waiter’s head.”
    “Nonsense,” he said. “That couldn’t be right.”
    How blind was this guy?
    “Nonsense?” she asked incredulously. “I saw him do it.”
    “I’m sure it was a mistake,” he said. “There’s no reason to get riled up.”
    Aspen took a deep breath and controlled her anger. I could tell it took all of her strength not to snap. She was barely holding on. I brought her closer into my side to remind her I was there for support.
    Her father caught the affection. “Who are you?” he asked rudely.
    I brushed off his abrasiveness, extending my hand to shake his. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lane. I’m Rhett, Aspen’s boyfriend.”
    He eyed my hand before he took it. “Aspen’s boyfriend?”
    “We’ve been dating for a while,” she said. “I’ve been eager for you to meet him and thought now was a good time.”
    He eyed me up and down, practically getting my measurements.
    I spoke before he could say something to piss off Aspen. “Your daughter tells me you’re an accomplished golfer. Just the other day, I finished with a seventy-two for an eighteen-hole course. It’s my best score so far.”
    “Seventy-two?” His eyes narrowed and his voice was full of awe. “Where?”
    “The New York Country Club.”
    “That’s impressive,” he

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