Confined Love
accord to grip his pumping hips.
My nails found purchase on his shoulders. I arched my back, rising into him,
pressing my breasts against his chest. Kain was all rigid muscle as he took me,
all masculine energy and grace.
    “Can’t hold back,” he groaned as he slid a hand down between
our bodies where we joined as one. His sure fingers found the swollen bud of my
clit and rubbed over it.
    My cries had to echo around the room. My body was drenched
in pleasure. I shuddered against him, holding tightly as I felt him come inside
me. Hot jets of white heat filled me, warming me from the inside out. I didn’t
want it to end, didn’t want him to stop, but it was inevitable.
    Kain’s lips brushed mine softly. Back and forth they
caressed while we both panted. “There will never be a time when you won’t be in
my thoughts. I would fight unto death to defend you.”
    “Shhh,” I whispered, placing my fingers to his lips and
stilling his words. “No one will die for me.”
    But I could see the sincerity of his vow reflected in the
ebony pools of his eyes. He slipped free of my arms without saying another
word. But those he’d spoken still sounded in my head. Please, goddess, let none
of these men die for me.
    “No tears, Soph.” Xanthus filled my vision, his fingers
wiping the moisture that I hadn’t even realized had fallen from my eyes. “I
won’t allow any of us to die.”
    I smiled. If pure will could grant such a thing then Xanthus
spoke only the truth.
    “I know.”
    “Then don’t allow doubt or worry to fill your mind.”
    “Are you going to make love to me?” He had yet to slip
between my thighs and I really wanted to feel him there.
    “Every day for the rest of our lives,” he vowed.
    My breath caught and that stupid rush of tears filled my
eyes again.
    “Shhh, Soph. Just let me love you.”
    Xanthus turned me on the bed and tugged until my knees hung
off the side of the bed. Only then did he step between my thighs. He placed his
hands on the backs of my thighs and lifted them high and wide.
    “Just lie back and feel.”
    And that is just what I did. My eyes slipped closed as the
first thrust seated him deep. Xanthus was slow and easy. His hands caressed my
skin, touching and igniting a passion I’d thought already spent. His hands
moved to the front of my thighs and he straightened my legs against his chest
until my heels found purchase on his shoulders. Xanthus leaned into me then,
his cock hitting deeper than I thought possible.
    “We’ve always felt like there was something missing. We’ve
been together so long. So long that we often act as one person instead of
three. I know what they are thinking before they put it in words. And they know
me just as well.”
    He drove deep, his cock filling me and then retreating,
leaving me empty. I wondered if they would ever know me as well, if I would
know them with that type of depth. I wanted to. I longed to have that intense
bond. But that wasn’t something that could be commanded with a signed document,
creating a quad unit. That was something much more human in nature.
    “So when I speak to you, know that my words are not just my
    Xanthus smiled. “How many times must I tell you to stop
doing that?”
    “Stop doing what?”
    “I’m not this time. I’m just thinking.”
    “Stop. That’s an order.”
    I wanted to laugh but he was making me moan instead.
    “Feel, Sophia. Feel and listen.”
    “Yes,” I panted.
    “I think I finally figured out what was missing for Radek,
Kain and me.”
    “You, Sophia. We were just waiting for you.”
    I cried out, jerking my legs wide and dropping them to wrap
around his waist and tug him to me. Xanthus fell on top of me, his hands
catching his weight and preventing him from crushing me into the bed. But I
wanted him to.
    We held each other just as I had with Radek and then Kain.
We clung and reached the heights together, tasting orgasm as I tasted

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