Dante's Dream

Free Dante's Dream by Jana Leigh

Book: Dante's Dream by Jana Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Leigh
to type.
    “Cheating,” Jax complained.
    “No, survival,” Dante laughed and then shook his head when he saw Black Pudding was made partly of blood, and Colcannon was made from pig’s feet and kale.
    “Yumm,” Jax said and rubbed her stomach.
    Bri n laughed and pulled off the high way and looked for a restaurant in t he small village as they arrived .  Driving through the small , sleepy town , Brin wondered if they were going to stick out like a sore thumb.  But they had to eat.
    Finally, he saw a small café that looked open and parked.  The other two SUV’s pulled in next to him, and Dante put a hand on his arm before Brin could open the door.  “Let them check it out!”
    “Why? We are in the middle of no where, who the hell is gonna bug us?” Jax said from the back and looked around.  There was no one even on the street.  If there was a crazed shifter around here, she couldn’t see them. 
    “Just let us do our job,” Dante said and Jax rolled her eyes and mimicked him in the back.  Brin had a hard time keeping his laughter in.  She was gonna be a pain — a cute pain — but still a pain.
    “Did you say you were gonna cut your hair, because I think we voted no , ” Brin said.
    “Is this gonna be a thing for you?” Jax asked and laughed.
    “What?” Brin said innocently.
    “My hair, talking about my hair when things get a little tense , ” Jax said waving her hand around.  She was impressively expressive , Brin thought.
    “Maybe, I haven’t decided.  Right now , I ' m trying to keep you from coming to blows about shit,” Brin said and then laughed when Dante made a noise that sounded an awful lot like a laugh.
    “Ready?” Jax said and flung open her door when she saw the Vampire walk out of the diner and nod slightly.
    “Damn it , ” Dante said and pushed open his door so fast that Brin had to blink to make sure he saw what he thought he had.
    “Here we go again,” Brin muttered and exited the vehicle to hear Dante yelling at Jax about waiting for him or Brin to get out first.  Jax was yelling right back something about being able to kick most men’s ass, and so she was not worried.  And on it went until they were in the small diner waiting for a table.   
    There were only a handful of people in the place, and soft music played in the background.  At least, it covered the silence that descended when they walked in the door.  Apparently, not to o many people get off at this exit.  Or it was because of the eight men dressed in black jeans, black shirts and different length black leather jackets.  They looked like they stepped out of the movies they were all so handsome — Jax had already commented on that once. Add in the woman dressed in oversized , hunter green sweats and messy , long hair because of rolling her head back and forth on the seat cushion.  They screamed ‘cult’ or ‘gypsy’s’.  Take your pick in England; they were both scary to normal people.
    Brin looked around the room and met all the people’s eyes, causing them to turn away slightly.  The diner had a country feel to it, decorated in pink and white checkered tables and white wood slat walls.  It reminded him of a very nice barn.
    The waitress was a short , bubbly teen that didn’t seem to notice the others staring at them.  She led them through the tables and chatted the whole way with Brin about the small town.  “This okay?” s he said pointing to a table in the corner.  Brin nodded and took a chair and watched as Dan t e made sure Jax was between them and sat so he could see the rest of the room.  Always on guard , Brin thought.
    “So, our specials are in the front . ” The waitress announced when they had been seated, then she put up a hand and covered her mouth on one side like she was sharing a secret, but her tone never decreased.  “But I wouldn’t have the stew , if you know what I mean. ”
    None of them did, so they just nodded, she took their drink order, and by the time

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