Jeanne G'Fellers - No Sister of Mine

Free Jeanne G'Fellers - No Sister of Mine by Jeanne G'Fellers

Book: Jeanne G'Fellers - No Sister of Mine by Jeanne G'Fellers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanne G'Fellers
sentries as a disposable commodity.”
    “I am not one of them. They will be at no risk. Now, do you understand what is to take place?” Krell detested being questioned under any situation, but this particularly addled her. She was tired and surrounded by the dank smell of male sweat. LaRenna’s gentle aroma was decidedly more satisfying.
    “Basically, you want my squadron to patron the Waterlead every night until further notice.” He sniffed. “One question.”
    “And what is that?” Krell sighed, anxious to leave.
    “Who foots the bill? Sentry pay isn’t much. Most of my men send home every bit they make so their families can live. I know officers can afford it”—Trazar glimpsed at Krell’s rank symbol— “but we enlisted grunts can’t.”
    “And where did you get this ripe bit of information?” retorted Krell. “Three quarters of Taelach officer pay goes to the Kinship’s coffers. I subsist on about half what you earn, so don’t accuse all officers of having overstuffed money pouches.” These Auts would serve their purpose then be gladly dismissed, free to slur her name and identity at leisure. “You’ll have the funding on your duty worktable every morning. Give each man enough for two or three drinks plus tips.”
    “I assume this is to be done out of uniform?” Trazar pushed his tone to the verge of insubordination.
    “Of course it is, sentry!” Krell spat. “What good would it do my investigation if they appeared at the Waterlead’s door in full dress?” She held a finger to his face. “Also, have them undo their braids or tuck them into a headband one. And lastly, make sure they stagger the times that they arrive and leave. I want the effect of a steady stream of customers, not a raid. Any other questions or comments you wish to make, called for or otherwise?”
    “I will leave you to your bed then. If there are any problems, notify me immediately.” Krell ignored the sputtering voices that rose as the door closed behind her. “Auts.” It was a Kimshee’s job to deal with them on behalf of the Taelach people and Krell generally enjoyed it. But occasionally, like tonight, it could tax the short limits of her patience. She paused in the compound courtyard. It was deserted this time of night and the light breeze between the buildings gave it a desirable, peaceful air. Meditating briefly, she focused away from the frustrating sentry commander and centered on the business at hand, a cross-planetary conference with Belsas Exzal, Taelach of All.
    Midmorning in the Taelach lands of Saria Three found Belsas in her sunlit workroom, waiting for Krell’s transmission. She stood at a window, watching a bandit beast herd amble by on the open grasslands below. It was calving season and the gawky newborns struggled to keep a stumbling pace with their mothers. Resembling bison, bandit beasts left a path of bare ground as they grazed, effectively robbing all plant life including seeds, fruit, and roots. Their kilometer-wide paths swathed across the northern plains in every direction. Reseeded and fertilized by their droppings, the land rejuvenated rapidly, the life cycle staying in complete balance.
    The door to the workroom opened, admitting Belsas’s gentle-natured life mate Chandrey. Her full skirts rustled as she joined her guardian at the window and she laughed lightheartedly at two calves that were engaged in a game of chase. “I never get tired of watching them play. Children are the same no matter the species.”
    “If life were only that simple for us.” Belsas drew Chandrey close to kiss her on her high forehead. “What have you been doing this beautiful morning?”
    “Pulling tuft snarls from the flowering beds.” Despite a thorough washing, she could still smell the muskiness the dandelion-like weeds had left on her hands. “No news yet?”
    “Not as yet. It’s late where she is on Langus. First Officer Middle may wait until morning her time to contact

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