Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4

Free Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4 by Delilah Devlin

Book: Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4 by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
How does that work with him managin’ the ranch?”
    “He’s got the final say, but I’m the foreman. He has to listen to my advice.”
    “Josh doesn’t get a say?”
    “He doesn’t want the responsibility. He likes bein’ a cowboy, ridin’ the range, wranglin’. He’d as soon spend his days mendin’ fences and pullin’ calves from arroyos than figurin’ out when to move the herd or send ’em to market.”
    She stayed silent for a few minutes, thinking about everything he’d said. “You really think this could work?”
    “I know it can. You just have to trust that we’ve got it all worked out among us. That we can truly share. Now sleep, sweetheart. You’re gonna need your rest.”
    She smiled softly at that last bit. There was a warning couched in his quiet command. And while her body warmed to his insistence, her mind was shutting down, drifting. Dreaming about three sexy cowboys who loved her. Who wanted her for always.
    Why was she fighting them? They made it sound so easy, so inevitable.
    For the first time, she let her dreams follow where her heart led. As she fell asleep, Cade’s large capable hands soothing away her stress, she thought maybe she was ready to believe.

    As soon as her breathing evened in sleep, Cade pulled away from Chrissi’s warm body. The ache in his groin had to be seen to before he sought out the others. He thought maybe he’d gotten through to her, made her reconsider her stubborn stance, but he wasn’t going to leave anything to chance.
    He headed to the bathroom, started the shower and took himself in hand, working his cock in his fist. The rhythmic motions were steady, punctuated by his deepening breaths, while he thought about everything that had happened that day. Especially about how sweetly she’d surrendered in the tub. How lovely she’d been in all her distress. He ached for her, wished he could think of a way to make her acceptance easier, but Chrissi Page was a complicated woman.
    She thought she needed control. Thought she needed the trappings of a traditional marriage to feel complete. She hadn’t a clue how wrong she was. How unsuited she was to that kind of life.
    Her sensual nature was capable of so much more. Any one man would leave her unsatisfied. She was needier of attention, of physical loving, than any one man could provide.
    He’d sensed it all those years ago when Ezra had taken up with her. She’d demurred whenever his big brother had pushed her beyond her natural modesty, but she’d embraced every adventure with her loving, open heart.
    His arm tensed, stroking harder. His balls drew up tight against his groin, and he moaned as the first explosion rocked him, sending hot spurts against the tiles. He remembered her face, striped with Josh’s come, the pearly white foam clinging to her cheeks, her eyelashes. She’d been beautiful, wanton. So near to perfect, his chest had frozen.
    A soft knock sounded on the door. He let go of his shaft and hung his head for a moment to drag soul-cleansing breaths into his lungs before flipping back the curtain to greet Josh.
    Josh’s eyes danced with amusement. “Heard you all the way into the hallway. Don’t know how she slept through that racket.”
    Cade gave him a stinging glare, which only widened Josh’s grin. He reached for the towel hanging from the peg beside the shower and wrapped it around his waist. “You try having that ass snuggled up against your dick.”
    Josh grunted, then his expression changed, turning sly. “Everything’s ready. The room’s arranged. I tucked a blindfold under the pillow.”
    “We’ll let her sleep a while.”
    “Ezra thinks we should all catch some shut-eye.”
    “Ezra’s not wrong. You wanna keep her company? Can you wake without an alarm?”
    “I’m always up with the roosters. You don’t have to stir until I come for you.”
    Cade nodded and stepped quietly back into the bedroom. Josh stripped off his jeans and edged under the covers, taking up

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