Free TYCE 3 by Shareef Jaudon

Book: TYCE 3 by Shareef Jaudon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shareef Jaudon
“She’s so precious.” Ranae smiled down at her.
As the women and children took over the living room Sway motioned for Tyce to follow him out to the pool. Tyce caught the hint and moved toward the back part of the house.
“Hey babe, me and Sway will be out back.”
“Ok.” Angelique didn’t look up.
    She was busy reaching for her purse to give the kids the 20 dollars they’d just begged her for.
              Once outside in the privacy of the backyard, Sway opened up about what was on his mind. The two men sat down, but were briefly interrupted when
    Carmela brought them two Coronas with pieces of lime sticking out the top of the bottles.
“Thanks Carmela.”
“Denada Tyce.” She slid thru the glass door.
    Tyce turned his attention back to his friend as they sat around the unlit fire pit.
“Wasup man?”
“Nuthin’ much I jus’ needed to holla atcha you in private for minute.”
“What’s on your mind? You got beef with somebody? If you got some static we can clear that up right now nigga.”
    Tyce cocked his head back and forth as he spoke showing he was serious.
Sway chuckled, “Naw man. It aint nuthin like that.”
“Oh ok, then what is it?” Tyce squeezed the lime into his beer.
    Sway was hesitant to spit out his point and he shifted in his chair before he let his words go.
“Man, I’m jus’, ahhhh, I’m a lil…I jus’ need to make some more money man.”
Tyce looked confused, “Are you broke? Did you get robbed or somethin’?”
Sway shook his head, “Naw man, nuthin’ like that I’m jus’ worried about the future. I mean, no woman can go backwards in life financially. Sure Ranae loved me when I was barely makin’ ends meet, but now that she’s tasted the good life she’s not gonna be happy eatin’ anything else. I can’t give her New Years Eve and then fall back to Ground Hog day. I’m not sayin’ that will happen, but I need to make sure it doesn’t you feel me?”
Tyce nodded his head. “I feel you bro.”
    Sway continued to express his concerns after he took a long drink from his bottle.
“I got a little over a million left and jus’ like you said before, a mil don’t get you very far in high priced California. Ranae is spendin’ money like crazy man. Jus’ the other day she bought new plates and shit for the house and those muthafucka’s cost seven hundred dollars! I’m talkin’ ‘bout fuckin’ plates and cups!” Sway threw up his hands.
“Damn, those musta been some nice ass plates.” Tyce joked.
“I’m serious man. I wanna give Ranae and the kids everything we didn’t have when me and you were growin’ up, but at the rate she’s spendin’ I won’t have enough money to maintain it. I wanna have money when we grow old. I wanna have money to leave my children, so they don’t have to struggle when we die.”
Tyce sat back in his chair. “Shit, money talks man and to most people it say’s bye bye.”
“That shit is the fuckin’ truth bro.” Sway sighed.
“Look man I can go in the crib and crack the safe. You know I gotchu. I jus’ spanked Diego’s ass for eight mil. I’ll get you a to go bag stuffed with like two million. Come on nigga. Let’s go in the garage and get you straight.”
    Tyce put the beer on the table and started to get up, but Sway stopped him.
“I knew you was gonna say that, but I can’t take your money. I don’t wanna hand out. Besides, I look at that money you jacked from Diego as punitive damages for all the shit you went through behind his ass. That money belongs to you bro. I was kinda hopin’ we can get together and hit another lick.”
    Tyce stroked the light facial hair on his cheeks as he digested what Sway had just laid on him.
“How much you thinkin’ bout takin’ off?”
“Anything north of a million would be lovely right about now.”
Tyce looked at him. “You have somethin’ in mind?”
“Yeah but I’ma need your help to pull it off.”
    Tyce took another sip of his beer and leaned back lighting

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