Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3

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Book: Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3 by J.K. Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.K. Harper
Tags: paranormal romance
look on the other wolf's face.
    “Just let it come out,” Otsana said. She smiled at Rielle. “This is natural.”
    Confused, Rielle nodded as her throat seized up again around the hiccuping sobs she tried to keep in. Deep inside, her wolf whined. Darn it. Her eyes were probably getting all swollen. Good thing Caleb wasn't in here to see her looking like an out-of-control idiot who cried over—what?
    “I'll bet you didn't think me asking you to help me with some research would be so dramatic, now did you?” Otsana's voice teased very gently.
    Rielle shook her head, still not trusting what would come out if she spoke again. Otsana had asked her for help looking up some very old, arcane medical information in the library's archives. Despite her initial disappointment at not being able to go into town, Rielle could still enjoy being in the comforting presence of books. Her adoration of the written word always confounded her fashionista human acquaintances in town, while her adoration of pretty, feminine clothing was looked down on by those female wolves in the pack who preferred to dress with more blatant sexiness than sweet sensuality. Caleb, though, didn't seem to remotely mind how she dressed. In fact, he seemed quite appreciative.
    Feels good with him, her wolf murmured. She sent an image of two wolves rubbing against one another, herself and a large male wolf who looked suspiciously like Caleb. Need him.
    “What?” The word burst out of Rielle, startling her. She looked quickly at Otsana. “I—my wolf is thinking things I'm not. Well, not really. Well, maybe. Somewhat. On occasion.” From closed-off throat to gushing idiocy. Wonderful. “What is going on with me?” she said in what could only be described as a plaintive wail.
    The smile still held Otsana's face in an open, encouraging expression. The words that followed, though, were direct.
    “My dear girl. Has this been happening much recently? Your wolf and you not being quite on the same page.”
    Rielle dropped her eyes and studied the backs of her hands.
    “You matured a little late, I recall.” Otsana's voice soothed, despite the words making Rielle want to disappear into a dark hidey-hole. “Always the reader, always designing clothes, always under your mother's watchful eye. That one worried herself into knots over her only cub while you grew up.” Otsana sighed as if with past regret, then briskly shook her head. “You weren't terribly interested in running after the same thing the rest of the Pack females your age were. Boys, boys, and more boys. You were quiet, you enjoyed your studies, you were far more interested in Pack history than discussing the Pack's current crop of eligible males.”
    Rielle couldn't even nod. This was mortifying. Although strangely relieving as well. It felt like she was at confession, having some great burden taken off her shoulders.
    Pausing, the Alpha's mate chuckled somewhat ruefully. “Your parents were overprotective, to be sure. I'm sure your mother could see how pretty you were, especially since you loved to dress up. I think she felt calmed that you were more intrigued by how dress patterns fit on you than ostentatiously showing off how they looked on you. Rielle, you turned many a young wolf's head when you hit your teens.”
    “I did?” Rielle finally found her voice, although her surprise level remained the same.
    Otsana smiled at her again. “You were never self-absorbed when you were younger. Still aren't, which is a trait that will serve you well throughout your lifetime. However,” she went on more briskly. “You're well a grown woman now, and more importantly, you're a grown wolf. One I haven't seen out on a run for a long time. One I haven't seen in wolf form for a long time.”
    Her wolf whined in agreement. Run. Rielle sensed something she didn't want to hear was about to be laid out in the harsh light of reality.
    Otsana reached out a gentle finger and tipped up Rielle's head so she was

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