Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3

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Book: Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3 by J.K. Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.K. Harper
Tags: paranormal romance
forced to look into those understanding green eyes. She knew exactly what was coming and felt the irrational desire to leap to her feet and flee the suddenly pressing room. Her wolf pushed up closer to the surface, conversely wanting to hear whatever was about to be spoken. Rielle felt strangely torn in two.
    “Rielle, you need to mate. You never have, am I correct?”
    “Oh, my god.” She closed her eyes. This was beyond humiliating. A fiery wash heated her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, her entire face. In fact, it seemed her entire body flamed with embarrassment. This was definitely not a conversation her own mother had ever had with her. Even though Rielle knew every single word of it was true.
    “Being a virgin isn't the end of the world.” Otsana's voice was still soothing.
    “Please feel free to kill me right now,” Rielle whispered. “Although I might die right here on the spot before you have to do it.”
    Otsana tapped Rielle's hand, causing the younger wolf to open her eyes again. Otsana's face was filled with the sort of compassion Rielle had learned from her. Tears welled up again despite her suddenly savage attempt to keep them back.
    “Rielle, it's nothing to be frightened of. It's part of being a wolf. And your wolf needs you to mate.”
    Yes, her wolf whispered. She sent a sensation of abandon and pleasure and pure delight in a sensual moment pouring through Rielle's head. The welter of confusion gripping her entire body threatened to make her explode in a scatter of crazed, howling escape.
    “That's why she's speaking through you. She needs you to release her. You need to release you. ” Otsana's voice turned grave and her eyes sharpened their gaze on Rielle. “I know you love spending time in the human world. I know you love your job in town. But you are Pack, Rielle.” Her tone sharpened more, although not with anger. With the intensity of conviction. “You are a member of this family. As such, you owe it to not only yourself but to us to live as completely and fully as a wolf shifter does.”
    Rielle nodded. “I know. I know. But, it's just all so—so....”
    The struggle for the correct words shocked her already shocked system. She never had to search for the right word. Language was as effortless as breathing for her.
    “Rielle.” Otsana's voice sounded with firm resolve. “There is nothing to fear about it. Not with the right one, that is. And you have your eye on someone, don't you?”
    Rielle's heart almost jolted to a horrified stop. Did Otsana somehow know about Caleb? Not that there was anything to know. Because nothing had happened yet. Although they had been on a sort-of date. Where he'd sort of checked her out, head to toe. And she'd imagined kissing him. And maybe more.
    Noting Rielle's expression, Otsana quickly reassured her. “It's only obvious to me because of how you're reacting now. If your wolf is trying to get out, it means you've been holding her back. And that means you're not allowing yourself the full expression of being a wolf. But if you're interested in someone, she's more eager to come to the forefront, because that's a big part of being a wolf.”
    “Oh,” Rielle said in a faint tone. This was like being in Wolf Shifter 101 class. Not that there was such a thing. “Right.”
    “So,” Otsana went on. Rielle would have sworn—if she swore, that is—she saw a mischievous twinkle in the other wolf's eye. “Is it someone from our Pack?”
    “Ahh,” Rielle managed to get out. She wondered if her cheeks were flaming purple by now. This shouldn't be so difficult to discuss. But it was.
    The door to the library suddenly swung open, startling them both. One of the Pack's younger wolves, Ana Lyall, peeked in with a searching look on her face. Both wolves immediately picked up on her taut body stance. As soon as she saw Otsana, relief swept across her graceful features.
    “Alpha sent me. Hey, Ree,” she added with a nod. Rielle smiled tentatively and nodded

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