Madam of Maple Court

Free Madam of Maple Court by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

Book: Madam of Maple Court by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd
point in making love to a barren wife. "I didn't think he cared that much about sex." The words "with me" went unspoken.
    "Take a deep breath and please don't tell me anything you will regret later."
    He was very sensible. Her hands shook and she felt her pulse pounding. A whore. He spent all their money on a whore. She pictured a frowsy blond with too much makeup, wearing a tight teddy and four-inch heels. "I want to meet her." She didn't know why, but it was vitally important to see the woman who had been fucking her husband. Fucking. She'd seldom thought in vulgar, four-letter words before.
    "I don't think that's such a good idea, Pam," Gary said calmly. "You now know what was going on and you really should let it go. Move on."
    She felt her anger rising. "Let it go? When some prostitute took all Vin's money?"
    "She didn't take it, he gave it. That's quite different."
    "You sound as though you condone what she did."
    "I neither condone nor condemn it, and after all, she had no obligation to you. Vin was the one who wandered."
    "Wandered. Interesting way to put it."
    "I've learned over my years in this business that there are usually reasons for everything in life and, in this case, sleeping dogs are better left undisturbed."
    "There's more to this than either of us know, and I want to find out what was really going on. I'm sure the check I gave you will cover a little more of your time. Make it happen." She felt heat rise in her face and the fury made thinking difficult. "I want to meet his whore." She didn't know why she needed this, focused on it so fiercely, but she did.
    "Calm down, Pam. You're reacting without any thought." His voice had taken on a soothing yet slightly condescending tone. "I'd advise against this. Please let it go. You found out what you wanted to know. What can be gained by meeting the actual woman?"
    Her anger flashed so hot she could barely think. "I want to see her, tell her that she ruined my marriage."
    "Did she ruin something good?"
    Pam tried to take a breath but her anger had taken over her entire body. She wasn't exactly sure what had made her so furious so suddenly, but now that she had a focus for it she needed to vent it. Who was she so angry at? she wondered. This prostitute? Vin? Herself for settling for a lousy sex life? Being mad at the other woman was easier than the alternatives. "I want to meet her."
    "If you're sure that's what you want…"
    "I am."
    "Okay. Let me see what I can arrange, but it won't be easy. They're very private at Club Fantasy and very, very careful."
    "Set it up. I don't care what it costs."
    "If I do this, I have to trust that you'll keep this between you and the woman. No cops, no scenes. If I can't believe that you'll keep it all in proportion, I won't even try."
    "I'll be good, I promise." Would she? Gould she? She deliberately relaxed her shoulders and nodded slightly. Her voice lost its sharp edge. "I really do promise. I won't make a scene. Please, Gary, I don't know why, but I need this."
    He looked at her for some minutes, then sighed. "I'll make some inquiries and see what I can do. Please, though, think it over for a few days when you're calmer and can get everything back into perspective. You husband's gone, and what went on before his death has no real relevance now."
    "I know, but this is important to me. I promise I won't change my mind and I won't violate your trust. Set it up."
    It was almost a week and a half before Gary called. It was a Monday and the weekend had been tough. She'd had little to do so she'd been bored out of her mind. She dusted and ran a vacuum over the carpets in the downstairs. After a quick lunch she put her few dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned the sink. She'd tried to read or watch TV or a DVD but nothing had caught her interest. She'd puttered in the garden but the landscapers had everything under control. What was she going to do with the rest of her life? There had to be something more for her. She thought about

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