Ex on the Beach

Free Ex on the Beach by Kim Law

Book: Ex on the Beach by Kim Law Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Law
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
neck. Her breasts pressed against his chest.
    “Andie,” he moaned. His mouth traced along her jaw until he reached her ear. He nipped, and shivers flew down her spine, pulling another one of those moans he’d mentioned out of her.
    “This isn’t a good idea,” she whispered. She had to keep her sanity about her. Somebody had to, and she was pretty sure he wasn’t heading down a sane path.
    His lips landed on the curve of her neck, and her breasts raised their nipples for attention. Me, please , they seemed to be saying, and she couldn’t help but laugh at the joy of it. Mark was kissing her. Stupid idea or not, she loved it. It had been far too long.
    “I don’t care if it’s the worst idea in the world,” he returned. He lifted his head to stare down at her. “It’s brilliant.”
    His hands nudged her rear again, bringing her more into alignment with his parts, and she lifted her legs to wrap around him. His answering groan let her know that’s what he’d had in mind. Then his hand came around to the front of her to stroke a hot finger down into the vee of her dress. He pulled one edge to the side so he could lick his way over the top curve of her breast, and she was pretty sure she’d died and gone home to heaven.
    She loosened her grip and leaned back, thrusting up toward him, wanting his mouth on her. Ready to plead for it to be there. His mouth and her breast were meant to spend some quality time together.
    A far-off sound penetrated the buzzing in her head as she worked through options for getting her hands under his shirt while not removing herself from his body. When the sound came again, she paused, twisting her head around at the same time as Mark, and that’s when she realized what it was. Laughter.
    They both squinted in the direction of the only other couple they could make out on the private beach. They were quite a ways up the coast. She wasn’t sure if the sound was drifting down from them or not, but it reminded her that they were not alone — and this was not the time to be forgetting her priorities.
    She had a job to do and a business to run, and if she spent her evenings frolicking with the guests — with Mark — she might lose focus and let something go wrong.
    She stopped talking as another wave slammed into them, splashing salt water into her mouth and knocking them both to the ground. Mark let go of her and they crawled on all fours until the water receded, then she rolled over and propped herself up on her elbows, sputtering water from her face. The tide had risen more than she’d realized. They were now both lying in water.
    Helping each other to their feet, they made their way up the beach until they hit dry land, then plopped down, not touching, to sit facing the water. She pressed her fingertips to her lips.
    Christ, it was still hot between them.
    She looked at him. “We can’t do this, Mark.”
    He sat there, knees raised and arms propped across them, wet hair pushed back off his face, and water dripping from his chin. And he watched her. His dark eyes stared into her soul and she wanted to crawl over in front of him and kiss him again. The man oozed potency.
    “We can’t,” she reiterated, needing him to agree so she wouldn’t be tempted to change her mind. “It’s a horrible idea.”
    “Funny, it didn’t feel like a horrible idea.” His voice was low and deep, and she closed her eyes at the sound of it, turning away so he couldn’t see what it did to her.
    “But it is,” she whispered. “And we both know it.” She would have stood up if she hadn’t still been out of breath from dragging herself from the water. Getting her thoughts under control, she peered back at him. “That kiss was good-bye, Mark. I never got it before, and I think maybe I needed it. But it’s good-bye.”
    He nodded, not arguing but not looking particularly convinced, either. “Pretty hot good-bye, babe. You sure we shouldn’t go with it? Could make for an

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