Unbridled and Unbroken
for about half an hour, she’d already come twice and now she was about to experience the naughtiest form of sex she’d ever imagined.
    Johnny’s wide cock felt like a steel I-beam lodged in her ass. The more he pushed inside the more aroused she became. Adam hadn’t moved but his wide cock was still buried inside her stretched pussy waiting for her to be twice penetrated. Once they were both inside, she could only imagine the two of them moving. Just watching this act downstairs had made her crave it.
    Being on the brink of experiencing double penetration left her breathless.
    Johnny grabbed her ass cheeks and pushed his cock slowly inside until she was sandwiched between them and doubly filled with two glorious cocks.
    “How does that feel?” Johnny asked her.
    “Very naughty.”
    He chuckled. “Wait until we start thrusting in and out.”
    And they did.
    Johnny first and then Adam. She watched Adam’s face as the three of them moved carefully in this initial erotic dance.
    Johnny pressed his chest into her back and buried his face in her neck as he moved within her. One hand palmed a breast and the other braced at her hip for leverage.
    Adam pinioned his hips in and out of her pussy with short strokes since he was beneath her.
    “Her ass is so tight, Adam,” Johnny said reverently. “I’m not going to last much longer.”
    “Her pussy’s just as tight. It’s all I can do not to lose it.”
    Veronica was about to explode. Sensations like lava burned through her veins each time one of them thrust inside her body. Adam put his hand between them and stroked her clit as the two of them continued to power strokes inside her over stimulated body. She was at the edge of orgasm for a third time.
    “Oh, god!” she screamed as a white, hot climax burst within her body. Adam thrust up one last time and stiffened beneath her moments later. Johnny stroked her breast several more times, powering thrusts deeply into her ass.
    The dark and naughty feel of him stretching her rear channel made her burn with pleasure. Each stroke heightened the lingering waves from her orgasm. Johnny pinched her nipple, gripped her thigh and growled before he stiffened against her back.
    “Jesus, that was amazing.” He promptly buried his face against her neck and kissed the sensitive spot beneath her ear.
    “Tell us you liked it. Lie to us if you have to.”
    She laughed, “I loved it. Very exotic and very naughty. Just like the live show.”
    Adam rose up and kissed her cheek.
    Suddenly she was exhausted. Johnny extracted himself carefully and Adam did as well.
    She crawled to the center of the bed and climbed beneath the sheets to wait for them.
    She didn’t mean to fall asleep, but couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer.
    Veronica woke in the middle of the night and realized it was the first time in a while that she hadn’t done so due to a nightmare. Instead, warmth infused her spirit and she gradually became aware of the two men who had brought about this change.
    Reclining on her side, Veronica opened her eyes and saw Johnny sleeping on his back. That meant the hot body spooned up behind her was Adam. The night had so far been nothing short of amazing. Her sexual education had increased tenfold in a single night.
    Her memories going forward would always hold these two in a delightfully decadent light.
    One of Adam’s arms was slung over her middle. She sat up and dislodged it.
    “Where are you going?” he said quietly yet very clearly. His arm tightened around her further, but his eyes never opened. Her attempt to dislodge his arm failed. He had a death grip on her. Was he even awake?
    “Bathroom,” she whispered.
    “Okay.” He released her.
    She smiled, scooted off the bed and into the luxurious bathroom. Once she returned, she’d woken up too much to go right back to sleep.
    Staring at Adam as he slept, Veronica tried to imagine a more perfect man. Then she looked over one shoulder at Johnny and found one. These two

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