The Fall

Free The Fall by Sienna Lane, Amelia Rivers

Book: The Fall by Sienna Lane, Amelia Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sienna Lane, Amelia Rivers
even out again? Shit’s dangerous, and you’re out partying like its fucking Mardi Gras!” Before Addison could reply he continued, “I should have known not to leave you with Jake again; I’ll call Chance or someone.”
    “I’m not your prisoner, Archer. If I want to go out, I’ll go out. And don’t blame Jake; he just came along with me to make sure I was safe. Besides, why don’t you tackle the real issue here, which is that you didn’t like me dancing with that guy? Not only do you not want me, you don’t want anyone else to have me, either!”
    Archer’s eyes widened at her bluntness. He was about to dispute her comment when he realised she was at least half-right. And he had definitely hurt her with his actions.
    “This morning, Addy, I’m sorry. It’s … complicated. It shouldn’t have happened.”
    Addison recoiled like she had been slapped. “A mistake?” she replied weakly. She started to walk back towards the club when Archer grabbed her arm.
    “Where are you going? Get in the car, Addison. Now.”
    Addison shoved him in the chest, leaving him standing open mouthed in shock. “Let go of me, Archer. I’m not a fucking child. I’m going back into the club, because I don’t want to go anywhere with you!”
    A car pulled up next to Archer’s, and he was surprised when Chance climbed out. Speak of the devil.
    Chance’s eyebrows were drawn together in concern, and he tentatively walked over to them. That just pissed Archer off even more
    “Archer, what’s going on, cousin?” Chance asked carefully.
    Addison walked up to Chance. “Hey Chance, I’m Addison. I remember seeing you here the other night. Are you going into the club? Can I stay with you?”
    Archer scowled. He spoke in Enochian to Chance. “Chance, this is not your business. Don’t get in between my affairs with her.”
    Addison scowled. “Do you know how rude it is to talk in another language in front of someone, especially when it is about that someone?” She all but yelled. Chance chuckled, which made Archer want to plan his funeral.
    Jake chose that moment to resurface, along with Kitty. Kitty ran up to Addison when she saw her face. “Addster? What’s wrong, honey?” Kitty looked at Archer accusingly. Archer let out a sigh.
    “Nothing, Kitty. Archer is just being a jackass,” she said, making Archer scowl.
    Archer took Jake aside and was giving him what Addison considered a brotherly scolding. Of course he spoke in his language, so she had no idea what he was saying, but the tone of his voice spoke wonders, and he was not happy. When Archer turned around and faced her, she saw Jake smiling at her from behind him. Addison almost laughed. Jake took nothing seriously.
    “Okay,” Archer commanded, “Jake, take Kitty home. Addison, get in the car.” Kitty opened her mouth in protest when Jake picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Addison could hear her arguing with him into the night. 
    Addison walked over to Chance’s car and got into the passenger’s seat. Yes, she was being a stubborn brat, but she had blindly followed all of Archer’s orders so far. It was her turn to be difficult, because he was wearing her thin. Archer had pushed her to her limit.
    Archer surprised her by jumping into Chance’s car and starting the engine. I guess I’ve caused a car trade for the night.
    “I’m guessing you didn’t understand that me jumping into Chance’s car meant I’d rather not see you right now?” she asked him, her arms crossed over her chest, her foot threatening to tap impatiently on the floor.
    Archer didn’t look the least bit offended. “Oh, I understood that. I just don’t give a shit.”
    “Oh my God, you are such a vacillating, overbearing …” Archer cut her off with a kiss. Addison pulled away, and saw that Chance had pointedly turned the other direction after seeing it which pissed Addison off even more. She saw Chance get into Archer’s car and pull away.
    “What? You need to

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