The Last Doctor She Should Ever Date
you are.’ The memory of that kiss hovered between them like an invisible thread. Pulling, tightening. She looked up at him through thick black eyelashes and he saw the struggle there. The heat. So now would be a good time to bring the subject up. ‘What did Desere mean about the sex ban and we can get round it . You told her about the kiss?’
    ‘No.’ She glanced around warily, but the boys were distracted by putting on their overalls and finding their seats, and the hum of the engine masked their voices. ‘Of course not.’
    ‘The list, then? You’ve been fishing for suggestions?’
    ‘Get real, Zachary. You’re not the subject of my conversations.’ He guessed the tone was meant to deter him. But it ratcheted his attraction instead.
    He grinned. ‘You know that whole bossy schoolmistress thing is kind of sexy.’
    She put her fingers in her ears. ‘Not listening.’
    ‘I have an idea.’ Pulling one hand away he leaned into her ear. Inhaled the sweet smell of her shampoo. ‘We could play schools. I could be really naughty and you could give me ten strokes of the cane.’
    ‘Tempting...but not for the reasons you’re thinking.’
    This was more like it. Sexy Dani. Feisty Dani. He hated that her family had such a subduing effect on her, and that she was still so hell-bent on getting their approval. ‘Or we could do hospitals. I could listen to your chest.’
    ‘We’re not going to play anything, Zac. Or do anything.’ Her voice held a warning, but her eyes...hell, her eyes told him exactly what she wanted’steel determination, warmth. Desire. Definitely to play. Definitely more. Everything.
    Shaking her head, her shoulders rigid, she lifted her chin, just enough to show him she had complete control and meant business. ‘As gorgeous and irresistible as you may believe yourself to be I’m not in the market for anything. What we did was simply a temporary lapse of judgement.’
    ‘A temporary lapse? Hey, come on, you’re not issuing a press statement. How about you use words that actually mean what you’re feeling.’
    And what was with these intense feelings of his own? Usually the kiss-offs left him with a sense of relief. Not growing frustration. Damn it, he did want to kiss her again. And he certainly didn’t want her to be ending it. His male pride was taking a bashing, along with something else’regret, perhaps? Something that made him feel like he’d lost a precious chance. Even though it had to be the best thing for them both. Hell, she’d said exactly what he’d been thinking.
    Although his line had been more like maybe sometime... not never again.
    ‘You’re right. I’m sorry. I forgot I was dealing with you. Small words.’ She looked into his eyes and gave him a smile suitable for a six-year-old. ‘Here’s the easy version, Zac. Kissing you was bad.’
    ‘Bad? Bad? I hardly got started.’ He sucked in air. ‘We could do a replay. See how really bad we could be?’
    He watched as her whole body trembled and she bit the corner of her bottom lip. His gaze was drawn to the rich red colour they were today, how they were parted just an inch. Just enough to slip his tongue in. God, he wanted to be so bad with her.
    ‘In your dreams, sunshine.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Poor Zachary. Not used to being turned down? Women usually flocking to sleep with you?’
    ‘No...yes.’ However he answered he was on a hiding to nothing. ‘Let’s just say I have a high success rate.’
    She laughed. ‘I bet you have. But I’m not going to be a notch on any bedpost. So save your energy for the two thousand condoms and your poor unsuspecting next conquest.’
    The skipper began his health and safety talk and the boat purred out of the harbour. As they carved through the sparkling Hauraki waters she splashed water over him. At the sharp curve of the three-sixty-degree spin under the stunning iron harbour bridge she leaned forward so he’d get the full force of the spray.
    When she tipped her

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