The Last Doctor She Should Ever Date
possibly our new superstar game maker turned diva, Jaxon. Or your lovely sister.’ He nodded over to where Desere stood in the shade in the highest heels and tightest jeans he’d ever seen. Whoever christened her as demure needed their eyes tested. And as for dazzling Deanna...Dani beat them in both stakes, hands down.
    Desere waved her middle three fingers and winked. At him? No. At Dani. Strange. But that was sisters for you. ‘She just winked.’
    ‘Ignore her. She’ll be going soon. For a start she’ll never get on the boat in those shoes, and secondly, the wind and the spray will ruin her hair and she’d never let that happen. She’s only here for the photos. But I’m sure she’d love to talk to you. She’s a big fan. Apparently. Go ahead. Meanwhile I’ll attempt to do our job and control the mob. Any time you feel like helping, jump right in.’
    ‘So I guess this isn’t a good time to talk about that kiss?’
    ‘What...?’ She held his gaze. He watched the temptation to soften flicker across her eyes, the desire to talk about what was simmering between them, the determination not to. ‘No. Never will be.’
    She folded her arms over her chest and stared into middle distance as if something really important had snatched her focus. Then she gasped and stalked up to one of the players. ‘Joseph. Is that...?’ she hissed, obviously trying not to alert the circling media to the crisis. ‘A hip flask? Give it to me. No alcohol. You know the rules.’
    Okay, backup needed. Knowing how much the success of this trip meant to Dani, and knowing when to call a halt to high jinks, Zac stepped in. He took the silver canister out of the flanker’s hand and slipped it into his pocket. His good humour failing fast. ‘What the hell are you doing? Where did you get this? You know it’s out of bounds.’
    Joseph shrugged. But his eyes flitted over to his wife, and back. Before Zac could intervene Dani was at her sister’s side. Or rather, in her sister’s face. ‘You brought this for him? Well, thanks for the support.’
    Desere flicked her hand nonchalantly. ‘Let loose a little, sis. I was trying to help. He’s missing me and needs to chill out. Like you.’
    Clearly her sister didn’t realise the importance of this for Daniella. ‘Desere, alcohol is strictly banned. The others are bound to get jealous if Joseph flouts the rules. That could cause a ruck and bad morale.’
    ‘Yes, Zac. I know. I’m very sorry.’ She pouted and for a second Zac really thought she meant it. But the light in her eyes belied her true feelings. Like her father, Desere said the right things but you never quite knew what was going on behind the eyes.
    Whereas Daniella was so different; everything she felt or thought was written on her face plain as day. And, weird, he kind of just knew with her. Knew when to get close, knew when to back off. When to kiss her. When to tease. Knew how much she wanted him. How much she pretended not to.
    He’d never had that before. Understood someone so completely. It was unnerving and comforting at the same time. And he didn’t know what to do with it. Walking away was proving all kinds of difficult.
    Desere’s pout changed to a smile. ‘And sex is banned too, that right, Dani?’ Her pupils flared like she was sharing some kind of private joke. She tapped the side of her nose. ‘But we both know we can get round it if we want to...’
    From where he was standing he could see Dani’s hands fisting at her sides. She closed her eyes as red seeped into her cheeks. No’slammed into her cheeks, ears, tip of her nose.
    She stepped forward, her shoulders rigid. Her mouth a thin taut line. And he wrestled down the need to speak out for her. The need to help. But what he knew of Dani so far was that she wouldn’t thank him for fighting her battles. No matter how painful it was to be on the sideline.
    ‘Just go, Desere, before the press get a hold of this. You’re making things ten times worse.

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