License Invoked

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Book: License Invoked by Robert Asprin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Asprin
Tags: Fantasy
see into most of them from the street. If they're just wanderin' or stoppin' off once in a while for a drink, we should be able to find 'em with no problem.”
    “They seemed to have virtually ongoing food service in First Class, but that was hours ago,” Elizabeth said. “I don't know what they had to eat up there, but the food in Economy Class was pretty ghastly. I ended up making do with a few candy bars, myself . . .”
    Beauray halted in his tracks and cocked his head at her.
    “Is that what's wrong?” he asked. “I must be goin' crazy, forgettin' my manners like that. Here I am draggin' you up and down the street, and all the while it never occurred to me to ask if you was hungry. I thought you were lookin' a mite peaked.”
    “I'm not really all that hungry,” Elizabeth protested, embarrassed by the sudden attentiveness. “I don't think my stomach will catch up with me until tomorrow.”
    Beauray squinted at her, the blue laser beams boring into her eyes. “You sure?”
    “I'm fine. Really,” she insisted, though touched by his concern. “Tell you what. If it will make you feel better, I'll have another candy bar. They do sell them here, don't they?” she asked, playfully.
    Beauray studied her for a moment, then shrugged.
    “Well, as soon as your stomach catches up with you, you've got to promise to let me treat you to some of our fine N'Awlins cookin'. In the meantime, though, if it's a candy bar you want, I've got just the thing for you.”
    Taking her by the elbow, he steered her off the street and through the door of one of the numerous T-shirt shops that prospered between the bars and dance clubs.
    The icy blast of the shop's air conditioning was such a welcome relief from the saunalike streets that for a moment Elizabeth thought seriously of asking Beauray to continue the search alone while she waited here. A few breaths later, however, her sense of duty and her companion returned to her at the same time.
    “Here. Try one of these.”
    He thrust a cellophane envelope into her hands, containing what looked for all the world like a light brown cow pat . . . from an unhealthy cow.
    “What is it?” she asked, trying to keep the suspicion out of her voice.
    “They're called pralines,” he said. “It's a favorite candy in these parts. Go ahead and try it. They're good.”
    Unable to think of a graceful evasion, Elizabeth unwrapped his offering and took a cautious bite.
    It was heaven!
    Like most of her countrymen, Elizabeth had an incredible sweet tooth, and the candy she was now sampling was like nothing she had ever had before. It tasted almost like pure turbinado sugar, but with a smoother texture; like a very sweet toffee, but soft, and had a goodly dollop of chopped pecans mounded in the center.
    “Are you sure you wouldn't like something more solid to eat?”
    Beauray's voice brought her back to her senses, and she realized guiltily that she had wolfed down almost the entire praline in a very few bites.
    “No. This is fine,” she said hastily. “You're right. They're quite good.”
    Her companion frowned at her for a moment more, then shrugged.
    “All right. If you say so,” he said. “I surely do want to see you some time when you do have an appetite, though.”
    Elizabeth was inwardly writhing with embarrassment over her brief display of gluttony as they made their way back out onto the street. She was not, however, so uncomfortable as to fail to mark the location of the store in her mind. Before her stay in New Orleans was over, she planned to stock up on a few boxes of those pralines. Delicately, she licked her fingers, and smiled blithely at Beauray. Maybe they even had a mail order business so she could order more from England. A few of these would go a long way toward sweetening Ringwall's sour temper when she gave her expense report.
    * * *
    Music, music was everywhere in this city. Fee drifted from door to door, borne on an energy wave that carried her along the street without

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