Make Me Yours

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Book: Make Me Yours by Alla Kar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alla Kar
He gave me a crooked smile and I shook my hand through his graying hair.
       “Better watch it. You gotta know how to take care of things, in case…” he trailed off, focusing on the car. His brows furrowed and his lips pressed into a hard line.
       I lean ed against the cherry red car. “In case what, Dad?”
       He opened his mouth like he would say something, but then closed it. “I bet you didn’t listen to a word I just said.”
       “You bet?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, and wiping my hands at my jeans.
       He laughed . “I’ll bet you a twenty at pool?”
       I laughed. “You’re going down.”
       “Layla?” Taylor says, shaking my shoulders. “You okay? You just zooned out on me.”
       “Yeah, sorry,” I say, gripping the edge of the car, “have you given it a proper tuning? Maybe make sure the timing is right on the ignition and then make sure the fuel is delivering properly.”
       Taylor laughs, leans in against the car, and wraps a tattooed arm around it. “Well, maybe I’ll check into that.”
       “I would, if you want it to start. Can I look on the inside?” I ask, stepping around him. He opens the door and gestures for me to get in and look.
       The interi or is almost in prime condition. I slide against the leather, and run my hands over the softness. “Wanna take ‘em for a test ride?” I ask.
       Taylor shuts the door and glances over at me, eyebrow lifted.
       “Oh, no, I didn’t mean like that kind of test drive.” Damn, I look out the window and pretend to be interested in the tools hanging on the wall.
       “ Shh,” Taylor says, resting a finger on my lips. “I think that’s exactly what you meant to say,” he whispers, mouth trailing along my jaw.
       My body freezes. “What are you doing, Taylor?”
       He laughs into my neck and pulls me to straddle him. “I’m giving you what you want, Layla. I’m tired of you acting like you don’t want me. I want to give you exactly what you want.” He leans in and presses his mouth to mine. With a groan, he threads his fingers through my hair and pulls me harder onto his growing erection.
   My body responds to his kiss before I can even think to say anything. My pulse races, roaring in my ear. A lightening effect of blood starts soaring through my veins. Hands fisting large chunks of his hair, I pull myself down on him, making him moan into my mouth. Between the naughty words he is whispering into my ear and the experienced way he kneads my ass, I’m on the verge of exploding. “Fuck,” I whisper. My lower stomach aches, I need him in me, more than I need air.
       A firecracker is sizzling in my stomach. I need something to let myself go. “Layla,” he groans, gripping my breast with his calloused hand. That’s it. I explode, my body shaking against his. I’m too blissful to be embarrassed by my orgasm…again…without sex.
       Taylor cups my face and fucks me with him mouth. His tattooed arm wrapping around my back to pull me down on him harder. “I want you, please,” he whispers.
       “I want you--,”
       “Is anybody here?” I hear from outside the car. Frantic, I jump off of Taylor, and start straightening my clothes and hair. I’m almost thankful someone came in when they did. I was going to let Taylor fuck me in the backseat of his car. The thought makes my skin heat. I’m way too far into this.
       Taylor has an amused expression on his face. “What the hell, Taylor? Who is that?”
       He rolls his eyes and grabs my hand leading me out of the Mustang. “Taylor?” someone asks from a far. I hear him laugh and my cheeks grow hot.
       “Should have known,” the older man walks up to us, hand extended. “I’m Berney, what’s your name, sweet lady?”
       I take his hand and smile. “Layla.” He kind of reminds me of Santa Clause, without the huge belly. He laughs like him too.
       “Well, don’t let me interrupt, I was just coming

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