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Book: Rockstar by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
waistcoat under the charcoal jacket emphasising the broad chest that narrowed into a slim waist and powerful hips. Strong thighs pulled the fabric of his dark pants as he turned to look at her, sensing her eyes on him, not too tight but just right.
    He smiled, a slow languorous smile that made her heart stutter. She smiled back, still sure that this was a dream.
    That she'd wake up the morning after the concert to find it was over and she'd dreamed everything. Their engagement, her pregnancy. Everything. She'd always wanted to fit somewhere, wanted to be part of a family so it was her ultimate fantasy; a family of her own.
    Sure they'd not started out well. Past history and the way he'd conned her into bed would probably have most people clucking their tongues at her and warning her to guard her heart. Ever the cynic, Zette would have been one of them, should still be one of them. She didn't believe in fairy tales, did she?
    Her ringed hand tightened on her glass, the diamond solitaire glinting in the light and nestled next to it, the heavy wedding band JJ had pushed onto her finger mere hours 75
    by Mina Carter
    earlier. His voice had been low; sincere as he spoke his vows, his hazel eyes unwavering as he looked at her throughout the ceremony.
    She sighed, a soft sound of contentment, happiness. She did believe in fairy tales. Somewhere deep inside was still that little girl who wanted her prince charming and her happily ever after.
    And now she had it.

    * * * *
"Congratulations to you and your lovely wife. Never thought I'd see the day, the Jensen shark on the hook and hauled in!"
    JJ chuckled, shaking the offered hand. A slender, lean man in an immaculate suit, John Ryland was a long time competitor and, more surprisingly, a friend. It was a friendship built up over many years of arguing and trying to get one up on each other. A friendly rivalry JJ relished, knowing that Ryland was as manipulative as he was. John's blue eyes twinkled as the older man looked from JJ to Logan and back again.
    "One down, one to go. Will we be seeing you heading down the aisle next Logan?" he quipped, his voice filled with amusement. The two men were well known for their avoidance of the matrimonial state, and Logan was infamous for not dating the same woman for more than six months.
    Logan held his hands up as though to ward off the thought. "Oh no, not me. It's just him who's taken leave of 76
    by Mina Carter
    his senses." He laughed good-naturedly and jerked his head toward JJ.
    "Well, thank the lord for that!" John replied and smiled down as a young woman appeared at his side, sliding her arm through his and flashing a shy smile at JJ and Logan.
    "Anyway, before I get dragged off, congratulations again JJ.
    Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Perhaps she'll soften you up a little, eh?" he teased as he was dragged off by the girl, who JJ vaguely recognised as his daughter.
    "Don't count on it Ryland! I still intend to nail your ass to the wall on the Sanders deal, just you wait and see!" JJ called after him, amusement in his deep voice.
    Even though he'd thought it himself about colleagues who got married, why did everyone assume that now he was married, he'd suddenly lose his instincts, his business acumen? If anything he felt right on top of his game, as though he could take on the world and win!
    "Someone's watching you," Logan said, drawing his attention with an almost imperceptible tilt of his head over JJ's shoulder.
    JJ turned, catching sight of Zette over on the other side of the room. Standing by one of the large windows, the area around her was clear of guests for the moment, which left her framed against the glass and the darkness of the night outside. Once again her sheer beauty caught his eye. She looked every inch the fairy tale bride.
    Their eyes caught for a moment, locked. The air between them virtually sizzled and caught fire before one of the guests approached her, no doubt to offer yet more of the

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