
Free Rockstar by Mina Carter

Book: Rockstar by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
he belonged on the screen or something. She'd seen agents go nuts over men that looked half as good as he did. In fact there were several out there in the congregation she just knew were going to be hunting him down at the reception.
    She almost felt sorry for them, the man was a lawyer, and from what JJ had told her, a ruthless son of a bitch to boot.
    "You look fantastic, you'll knock JJ's socks off." His voice was filled with reassurance, a moral support she suddenly found she needed as she fussed with her skirt.
    by Mina Carter
    She'd gone semi-traditional. One of her trademark corsets, this time in cream silk and scattered with embroidery and beading, layered over a long skirt. The fabric was arranged into gentle folds that whispered as she walked, the fullness pulled back into a small bustle and train arrangement. It was gorgeous and she felt like a princess, the feeling further enhanced by the delicate tiara that sat atop her head, nestled amongst the deceptively simple up-do her hair had been arranged into. She'd even gone with the veil, to complete the fairy tale bride image.
    A veil Logan was even now drawing down over her face before they stepped into the church. He paused for a moment, a serious look on his face as he sought her eyes.
    "You're the best thing that's ever happened to him, whatever happens, you remember that, okay?"

    * * * *
She was beautiful. Absolutely stunning.
    JJ had turned as soon as the music had started, knowing from the sound and the collective sigh from the back of the church that his bride had arrived. Even though this was a marriage of convenience so to speak he couldn't help himself.
    He looked over his shoulder, every inch the nervous bridegroom, telling himself that's what Zette would expect to see. If he could convince himself of that, they'd be getting somewhere.
    The sight of her took his breath away as she floated down the aisle on Logan's arm. The sheer veil did nothing to conceal her beautiful features and for once, it wasn't her 73
    by Mina Carter
    gorgeous body that grabbed his attention, taking it and his libido for a joyride. It was the look on her face, the soft smile that curved her lips as she approached. Her eyes met his through the sheer veil; open and honest, emotion shining there for all the world to see.
    JJ froze, like a rabbit caught in a car's headlights and feeling like the rat he knew he was. He'd conned her into this but he'd never intended for her to fall in love with him, not really. Yeah, he'd thought about it, played on her emotions, knew it would make that task easier. But now, realisation hit him hard, a sickening feeling in his stomach that almost overshadowed his sense of triumph as she slid her hand in his and they turned to face the vicar.
    "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

    * * * *
Zette stood by herself in a corner of the main reception hall, briefly between groups of guests as she sipped from a glass of mineral water. She'd taken the merest sip of champagne during the toasts, a fact she passed off to JJ as being too excited to need alcohol as well.
    Instinctively her eyes swept the hall, looking for the tall form of her husband. Husband, that sounded strange.
    Strange but good. Her eyes softened as she found him, talking to a bunch of men over in the corner. They all had that same hard-bitten look about them, a sense of ease in the formal suits they wore that said they were used to wearing 74
    by Mina Carter
    them. Colleagues, she decided. Everything about them screamed 'business.'
    In fact, they probably had about ninety percent of the world's business brains in here, she decided, looking around and 'suit' spotting. But unerringly her eyes returned to JJ. His formal suit fit his tall, broad-shouldered form to perfection.
    Understated but no one was going to mistake him as anything other than the groom. He'd gone minimalist, but the lines of his suit screamed 'expensive tailoring,' the cream

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