Five Alarm Lust

Free Five Alarm Lust by Elise Whyles

Book: Five Alarm Lust by Elise Whyles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elise Whyles
her way out the door. Closing and locking it, she pulled her coat tighter around her as she navigated the corridor and out into the parking lot. Her breath caught at the red and white fire pickup parked several slots down from her.
    “No, I won’t go. I’ll be here on Saturday night.” Her hand trembled as she unlocked the door and slipped in. A quick glance revealed the interior was just as she left it. Gilli started the old car, pulled out of her parking spot, and headed for downtown. There was no going home; not yet anyway.
    You can do this, Gillian. You’re not some weakling. Come on, stiff upper lip and all that jazz. Remember, it’s just dinner. He probably wants to talk to you about the bill at the hotel. Your mother sure had a fit with you leaving before paying for your share. Perhaps he wants to collect on the debt for the room. It’s just dinner. Oh, God, I have nothing to wear. No, no, just don’t go. Make up an excuse when he shows up.
    Gillian parked in front of the rustic-looking shop she frequented and sighed. She simply wouldn’t go—then why did she feel like the lowest thing in a sludge pond? Her eyes burning, she pushed her glasses higher on her nose and shuffled into the store.
    “Morning, Miss Gillian, how are you?” Bright, cheery, the shop owner, an older, round woman with short blonde and green hair, waved at her.
    “I’m well, just came to get a pair of shoes today. How are you, Betty?”
    “Well now, I’m doing okay. Just got word this morning my grandbabies are coming for a visit. We’re going to take ’em to the Dinosaur Dig—you still working out at the museum?”
    “Yes, I’m there Monday through Wednesday.”
    “Well, we’ll just come by on them days. What shoes are you looking for?”
    “I have a business meeting on Saturday night.” Gillian swallowed against the rising horror. A strange tingle raced along her nerves, pooling hotly in her gut. She shivered at the faint memories of excitement flowing through her mind. Ruthless, she clamped down on them. There’d be time for that later—much, much later. “Dinner and such, need something…”
    “Far from sensible, girl. Come on along with me.”
    An hour later, Gillian tossed the bags onto the car seat and gripped the steering wheel with hands that shook. “Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?”

Chapter 7
    “Hey, I hear you told Brad off.”
    Jack glanced up with a grin at the familiar bass. “Glad to see you back. Was startin’ to wonder if your new wife had done you in.” He chuckled at the man leaning against his office doorjamb.
    “Naw, not yet anyway.” Lenny straightened, a quick grin crossing his face before a more somber expression settled over him. “How’d it go here?”
    “Same old…” Jack tossed the pen down on his desk and leaned back in his chair. “Same shit, different day. You know how it is.”
    “Yes. So Brad’s whining about you making him do the setup at the university, and he said you threatened him.”
    “Yeah, I made him do the setup. It’s his job.” Jack shrugged carelessly. “And I told him if he said one more word about her I was going to slap him. Damn ass was harping on some poor woman’s lack of style.”
    For some reason he didn’t feel the need to brag or point out he’d seen Gillian, but he couldn’t explain it or shake the nervousness he felt at the admission. Lenny wouldn’t understand, there were few who would—maybe Luke, but he was out of town for the day, and he wasn’t going to reveal this just yet.
    “Seems you were pretty familiar with her.”
    “Wow, he really sank, didn’t he?” Jack stood to pour himself a coffee. “To answer your question, yes, I threatened him. Yes, I meant it, and if he says it again, I’ll follow through.” Tiny prickles of anger flared at the thought of anyone calling Gillian down. She wasn’t some random fuck—and it irked him the young punk would call her down.
    “Do I know this woman?”
    “Why?” Jack

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