brought their mouths together and gave Jay a long, slow kiss, then
    sank to his knees in the snow.
    Oh, God. Was this really happening?
    The man opened Jay"s pants and lowered his briefs. The cool air reached his
    exposed flesh, but nothing diminished the hard-on. Dark Eyes kissed the skin of his
    hip, brushing cock and balls with his chin.
    Yep. Not another dream. Real. So goddamn real.
    The man"s hand shook as he gripped Jay"s cock. How long had it been for him?
    Dark Eyes slid his hot lips over the tip of Jay"s dick, and Jay threw his head back
    and his hands out, holding the other man by the back of the head. The short hair
    felt odd. Why wouldn"t it? It wasn"t like he went around touching other men"s hair.
    He tightened his hold, giving in to the pure instinct to hang on to the man
    blowing him. Dark Eyes lowered his mouth over Jay"s cock and lifted up. The drag
    of his lips sliding along Jay"s length, the man"s exploring hands on his balls, the
    intense suction that proved Dark Eyes had experience behind him—it all had Jay"s
    body on fire, had him ready to explode.
    The orgasm crashed through him, wave after wave. He wanted to keep it at
    bay for a few more moments of the amazing blowjob, but he had no warning. He
    grunted and hissed, “Shit. Oh shit.”
    Dark Eyes held him in the tight heat of his mouth until Jay"s cock grew soft.
    The man pulled back, licked his lips, and smiled. He had swallowed Jay"s cum.
    No one had—
    She didn"t—
    No comparisons.
    The guy looking blissed-out, on his knees, with a hand still touching Jay"s cock
    did not remind him of her. They were nothing alike.
    Dark Eyes looked up at him. “What"s your name, kid?”
    He swallowed and found his voice. “Jay. Yours?”
    The man ran his tongue over the crown of his dick in another slow taste. Jay
    flinched and gripped the back of the man"s head tighter. If Dark Eyes kept touching
    him, he"d be hard again in short order. He rolled his hips. More of the man"s mouth
    wouldn"t be a bad thing. Would it?



    Dark Eyes sat back on his heels. “Lincoln.”
    What ? Jay dropped his hand. “Wh-What?”
    “Lincoln.” The man smiled. “Weird, I know. My mom had a thing for history
    “Yeah.” McCaw stood, his eyebrows drawn in. Then his expression softened.
    “Hey, you seen me race?”
    Oh God…No…No ! Jay slid along the wall.
    “Shit, kid. Don"t freak on me.” McCaw reached for him. “You okay?”
    Jay backed up more, his pants still open, his dick sticking out. He fumbled to
    get himself in order. He pointed at McCaw. “This did not happen. Do you
    McCaw closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at Jay and said, “No matter
    what anyone tells you around here, there"s nothing wrong with being queer.”
    “No! It did not happen.” Another gust of cold air whipped around the building.
    Jay"s fingers were still sticky. He wiped them on his jeans again.
    McCaw leaned back to the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “Sure,
    Jay had to get away from what he"d just done. And whom he"d done it with.
    Without looking back, he dug into his pocket for his keys and headed toward the
    corner of the building. Even if he"d wanted to, he couldn"t ignore the whispered
    words from behind him.
    “Thanks, Jay.”
    He made it to his Jeep but couldn"t get the door open. The piece of shit was
    always sticking in the winter months. The summer months too. He tugged and
    cursed until he fell to his knees, and his stomach gave up the beers to the snow-
    covered parking lot.
    The retching ended, and he pressed the back of his shirtsleeve to his mouth
    until the threat of tears had passed.
    What the hell had he done?

    Sloan Parker

    Chapter Eight

    The screwdriver slipped from where Lincoln had it wedged between the top
    and bottom sections of the air purifier. He jammed his thumb and dropped the
    screwdriver. Fuck . He sucked on the tip of his throbbing thumb as the blood rushed

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